Thursday, May 07, 2020

A great bike ride

Winky and Kadizzle went to Harmon lake yesterday to ride the bikes on the wonderful bike path.  It was a great ride and perhaps Kadizzle removed some chicken meat from his mid section, doubtful.  Every time Kadizzle uses a nice bike path he thinks about the backward folks of North Dakota. There are so many places bike trails could easily, and cheaply be put in place.  It would help with the chicken meat pandemic.  Here in the Hazen area Kadizzle once lobbied for a bike path between Hazen and Beulah. Of course the Republicans objected to spending a cent. The road was going to be redone and it would have been a great opportunity and cost very little, but no, we just want to milk cows. There are two great abandoned rail lines here that would be very easy to make into bike paths.  One goes to Killdeer, and the other goes to the old mine north of town.  No, no, no the property owners nearby say.  When Kadizzle lobbied for a trail along the river the dolts said " People will burn our barns, and shoot our cattle."   This is the mentality you fight whenever you try to make an improvement for recreation.  Kadizzle used to work in the coal fields of Eastern Ohio.  When Consolidation Coal reclaimed the land there the coal company developed a nice park with many trout lakes, and airport, a golf course and horse back riding trails.  All of this was given, given, to the local government at no cost.  In North Dakota the mines could be reclaimed as amazing recreation area, but no, we need exactly what we started with.  Kadizzle once was employed at the Glenharold mine along the Missouri River near Stanton.  That land could have been reclaimed as a fabulous park with cabins, a very nice lake, and so on.  It would have cost nothing, but no, the land had to be put back into a lot of useless ravines.  A very simple thing that can always be done with a mine reclamation project is to leave the sediment ponds in place. This again would cost zero  The ponds would encourage wildlife, and provide water for cattle and fire fighting, but no we are backward people.  North Dakota wants to promote tourism, but will do absolutely nothing to actually build anything people might want to use.

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