Thursday, May 14, 2020

Jeff Delzer a little political rat.

As the world turns.  Years ago old Kadizzle decided to run for the board of directors of West River Telecommunications.  Wow, was it a learning experience.  Kadizzle had no idea of how crooked the local Republicans were, but he found out.  The Republicans wanted their pet waterboy Randy Christman to win the election.  Kadizzle quickly found out the Republican Party had taken over the phone company which is a cooperative.  To top it off the head of the coop then was Mick  Grosz. He was a dishonest as the rest of them. By nature coops are usually pretty democratic organizations, but the Republicans figured out how to take over the phone company.  Mick Grosz got his Republican buddy Randy Christman on the board in no time.  The real cou was when Mick became head of the phone company.  He was totally unqualified, but had packed the board with his Republican buddies. Normally an outsider would have been hired to run the phone company.  Mick set it up so Randy could appear at public functions for the phone company and hand out free hamburgers while he campaigned for the Public Service commission and to keep his place at the phone company. 

When Kadizzle decided to run for the phone company board he discovered a little know and never used rule that might help him get elected.  According to the rules of the phone company a person could garner proxy votes.  To do this someone seeking election could go to a business and ask them to assign their proxy vote to the person requesting it.  No one had ever done this before.  Prior to taking on the task of running Kadizzle had a conversation with Mick Grosz.  Grosz assured Kadizzle that management would not try to swing the election.  This was an incredible lie. Grosz wanted Christman to win.  When Grosz found out Kadizzle was using a new technique to garner votes he felt he had to put a stop to it.  Grosz called Kadizzle in before the board and had the phone company lawyer explain to Kadizlzle that Kadizzle could not collect proxy votes.  It was a bluff.  Kadizzle told them to go to hell and continued to collect the votes.  This is where the crookedness of Mick Grosz would really shine.  Although Grosz said what Kadizzle was doing was not acceptable Grosz sent his own wife out to collect proxy votes for Christmann.  Grosz was clearly interfering in the election.  To make matters worse Grosz tole his hack on the board to go to businesses Kadizzle had signed up.  The hack told the businesses to make new proxies and give them to the Christman gang.  Keep in mind Grosz had formerly said the proxy system was invalid, and Gosz knew full well he was lying.

So the big day came for the election. This is where the corrupt nature of Mick Grosz really shined.  Kadizzle suggested to Randy Christmann that both Christmann and Quinn speak to the people at the annual meeting of the phone company before they voted.  Christman and Grosz said that if the people voted to hear the candidates the candidates could speak.  There was no need to vote. Grosz could have simply announced the candidates would speak.  Grosz asked the audience to vote like this " Do you want to have the prize drawing now or do you want to hear the candidates speak?".  Now, imagine this, most of the people are at the annual meeting for a free meal and to win a prize. 

One thing the Republicans realized was how easy it was to take over the phone company. Grosz understood that controlling the vote was very easy because people could only vote if they came to the annual meeting.  Prior to the meeting Kadizzle suggested to Grosz that they let everyone vote by mail.  The system was set up so they held the annual meeting on a Friday in June.  This guaranteed that no working people could vote, and that working people would go to the lake rather than attend the meeting.  To put the icing on the cake Grosz provided a bus from his hometown to ship in old ladies and other old Grosz supporters.  As if the election were not rigged enough Grosz went one step farther.  Anyone who was going to vote a proxy vote had to have a special ribbon on. The color of the ribbon indicated who you were going to vote for.  So for the supreme insult to decency Grosz had the board members stand on stage with the Christmann ribbons on their chest.  What a farce. 

What does this have to do with Delzer the rat.  At the annual meeting Kadizzle sat beside his good friend Pat Galvin.  Pat was a die hard Republican.  Delzer who was in league with Grosz, and Christmann circulated through the audience telling people to vote against Mike Quinn.  When Delzer told Pat to vote against me, Pat said " You can go to hell no one is going to tell me who to vote for". I always liked Pat but I was really impressed with his integrity on that day.  Delzer is one of those people who believe all is fair in the name of the Republican Party.  Like all the Republicans who are now trying to suppress the vote and sway elections with any immoral means possible Delzer is on board.  Delzer is like the rest of the Republicans in North Dakota.  They have one goal, tax breaks for the rich.  That goal is paramont to honesty, democracy, and all the things honest voting stands for.

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