Monday, May 18, 2020

Another Week

Here we go another week.  Stoupini and Kadizzle took the ebikes for a spin at the state park.  Kadizzle did not realize the park has a pretty nice trail.  It is easy by trail standards but a nice ride along the lake shore.  All the sailors are starting the season. Kadizzle misses his boat like a lost loved one.  May have to get another.

Winky buzzed of early this morning to the grocery store.  She is sure there is more safety at the store from the virus when fewer people are there.  People are predictable, the excitement of the virus is wearing off and more and more the game is going back to normal.  Like so many things the entire episode will become a thing of the past.  The unique thing about society is the ability to ignore problems. Air pollution is the classic case.  It does not happen all at once.  Gradually the air gets worse.  The net result is people accept a yellow haze as normal.  Climate change is another case where things happen slowly.   If a disaster happens slowly it is not much fun.  The first time someone with a gun shot up 27 little children it was a big deal, now we accept it as normal.  When Trump told his first couple of lies people noticed, now he lies constantly and it is accepted as normal.  Just read how the police shoot people at will in Brazil and it is accepted as normal.  Very quickly our society will accept the old the sick and he wounded being cut down by the virus.  As long as I am warm and my belly is full who cares. That is the American way.  I got mine, the hell with you. 

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