Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hard to Imagine

It is hard to imagine, but we are on a massive ball of rock hurtling through space drinking coffee. Not only is the massive chunk of rock moving, but it is also spinning. The rock has spun around and now it is morning.  This rock is whizzing around a massive atomic explosion and it is my 71st trip around the continuous atomic bomb that has been going for billions of years.  Nothing unusual about that.  Like ants we wander around oblivious to the scale of our world.  Radio waves are jumping through the air like bees, but we don't see them.  Radiation is everywhere heating, cooling, and burning.  Clueless we make up silly stories to calm ourselves.  Magic replaces logic, it is easier. We have elf's, saints, gods, and devils. We are clueless how we got here and if we will end up in some other strange universe when the breath goes out of us.  Little diseases try everyday to kill us.  We try to kill each other.  We fight over air, water, salt, dirt, and whose Jesus is best.  Wow, it is total insanity.  Each of us lives in our own fantasy, fly like a butterfly, sting like a be, and Trump says don't you want to be just like me.

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