Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Awakening with a devious scheme

The old lump got out of bed and decided he needed a shower.  In the shower he thought about the article he read in the NYT.  The article outlined how Trump caused a lot of distress for a family that lost a daughter.  Trump claimed Joe Scarborough murdered the woman.  A complete lie.

Read the article.  Now here is the plan.  We are plagued with idiots.  The guy who sells us insurance is a Republican dolt.  Kadizzle if he gets the courage, which may not happen would go to the dolt and say " If you don't read this article about Trump I want all my insurance canceled and I will go with another agent".   Here is the problem, the dolts are never forced to see the truth.  What if a lot of people joined my movement and forced the people they do business with to face a little truth?  Republicans have the luxury of pretending they do not know how evil Trump is.  We let them get away with it.  What if conscious Americans forced the unconscious to smell the smelling salts? What if you said, " OK, I am not buying this car unless you read this"?  All the dolts hear is Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

Now maybe one could go about this politely, and say something like " It would sure help me be a customer if you read this.

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