Friday, May 01, 2020

The Garden

Winky always has a wonderful garden.  Yesterday she enlisted Kadizzle as an assistant.  In went the tators, the carrots, the peas.  Out will come some good eating.  We planted three kinds of tators, fries, hash browns, and bakers.  The birds were happy to go after the worms when the garden got watered.  This brings Kadizzle to a new war.  The birds have a right to live, but the cats don't respect that.  Too many birds are needlessly killed by cats.  It is the cats nature.  Kadizzle got a CO2 BB gun from Stroupini.  Cats will be shot without a trial.  Shooting anything is not a good idea.  We are all God's creatures,  even though Kadizzle is an agnostic.  Hopefully the cat will just get stung and realize the need to leave the birds alone.  In reality the chance of having the gun when needed is slim.  The next problem is the gun is a pistol.  Hitting anything smaller than a truck will be difficult. 

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