Saturday, March 08, 2008

You don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

One fun aspect of traveling is talking to people from everywhere. My favorite people are those from other countries. Almost universally they wonder how in the hell we ever elected Bush. Bush is the biggest embarrassment our country has ever had. The good news is there has not yet been a soul we have talked to that is going to vote Republican. All the signs are our economy is going to tank in a very bad way. Most of the people we talk to think it will be a minimum of two years maybe more to try to undo the economic mess Bush has created. Here in the southwest the mortgage disaster is very apparent. A house we looked at last year for three hundred sixty thousand dollars is now going for two seventy five, and still not sold. Phoenix has a six year supply of houses on the market, and Las Vegas about a years worth. The stock market has been set back at least three years, yet the CEO,s who created this mess just got bonuses. Since internet access has been limited, I had to get in one rant.

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