Sunday, March 09, 2008

Today's Hike in Zion National Park

When we popped out of bed this morning we were headed to Angels Landing in no time. Lord Kadizzle was amazed at the speed we reached the landing. However, that was not our goal. The Commander wanted to go higher than where the Angels land. So up, up we went into some very nice country. If you have not hiked in Zion, it is a must do before you die. Almost every year we return. Today could not have been better the sky is a blue as it gets and for sure there is no more spectacular scenery on Earth. After returning The Commander insisted we take a bike ride, as if we did not get enough exercise on our two thousand foot climb. On the bike ride we came across a blue grass musician sitting by the river. After some coercion by The Commander he agreed to play a variety of tunes for us on the mandolin. Enough fire wood has been scrounged from abandoned camp fire sites to get us through the night. If you read my other story you know we have one goofy camping neighbor, if this were not enough another couple of wandering wonders just moved in beside us. They transport their dog in a baby carriage and disguise it as a child so they can take it wherever they want. They are traveling in a tear drop camper and intend to be on the road for seven months. Having never camped before it should be an adventure to say the least.

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