Thursday, March 13, 2008

Scrabbe on the Parhia

Life always is full of surprizes, and things always seem to present themselves. First good luck today, a fellow pulled in with a camper going to Page. We worked out a deal where he will get us propane, and gas, and we will give him a ride to a hike. Second stroke of luck, The Commander found a scrabble addict with wifi at the ranger station. You should see Lord Kadizzle sitting at the picnic table with a blanket over his head doing wifi. Cannot see the screen without the blanket. The workers at the ranger station must think Kadizzle is nuts. If a Kerns reads this, I may talk the lady inside playing scrabble with her lordship into being an internet scrabbler for Joanne. When The Commander has someone to play with it takes a lot of pressure of Lord Kadizzle. His Lordship was so tired of being beat at scrabble he decided to cheat. Even cheating severely, he could not win. Finally he confessed to The Commander. However, just the other day in a fair game he did win.

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