Monday, March 10, 2008

Nemisis strikes Lord Kadizzle with strong blow to wallet

With the economy in the tank the Kadizzles may have to head home to save resources. Worst case scenario could mean getting a job. Everyday when you think it cannot get worse our retirement account dwindles under Bush economics. We had a good hike today in the upper reaches of Zion. The Commander keeps begging for one more day in paradise, which will cost $18. Today The Commander said it could be her 32nd anniversary present. Both Lord Kadizzle's birthday and wedding day are on March 21, which also is the spring equinox. Perhaps his Lordship will have to give in at this bargain price. The Commander will insist on one more forced march. Today we followed what must have been an old narrow gauge railroad up to the rim. Was a very nice hike except when we went past the snow line. Although we hiked in tee shirts our feet were soaked in up to three feet of snow. Depending on the anniversary present we may or may not leave tomorrow for points further east. We may head to the Pariah river area for a few days. We will be 28 miles west of Page AZ. and about a mile south of the ranger station if all goes well. If anyone wants to join us, give us a call. The cell phone works here in Zion, and we will check messages when we can. First thing this morning the Toyota battery was dead from something that was left on, so we had to jump start it. Later in the day we had to help some young Mormon Republicans start their car by jumping it. I agreed to do it on the condition that I could hook the jumper cables to the testicles of the guy that had on the Bush, Reagan tee shirt after we started the car. They all pledged to give up Republicanism and everything worked out.

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