Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Hidden Cache

The Commander and her army of one have often hiked in the vicinity of The Hidden Cache. In the early fifties a the son of a local rancher found the Hidden Cache. The boy had been told to take the horses back up to the top of the mesa at the end of the day for better feeding. Somehow he got lost and stumble across The Hidden Cache. Local speculation is that a German spy was hiding out on the Paria during World War two. Inside the Cache everything seemed to indicate some sort of military person was secretly living there. The whole story is in Michael Kelsey's hiking book of the southwest. The strange metal box the guy lived in was a weird part of the whole story. Many years after the box was found a similar box was found somewhere else in the southwest. No one has ever solved the mystery. In addition to the box the little cave dwelling was nearby. The Commander speculates it was an escaped German war prisoner. The location was so remote, the prospects for spying on anything would have been minimal. The only thing that seems to make sense to Lord Kadizzle was that the Germans were interested in nuclear activity when the first bomb was made. Someone could write a very good novel using this story as the basis.

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