Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Party Line

If you want to read the best editorials, and expose yourself to something other than the Fox News, Rush Limbaugh courses for fawning George Bush supporters, read the New York Times editorials. As a flaming liberal I have to say they are consistently the best. Anyone can read them free on the New York Times web site. I almost consider it a patriotic duty. Maureen Dowd is my favorite, no one kicks butt like her. If you could put her side by side with Ann Coulter you would see the contrast between brains, and the vicious selfessness Ruport Murdock loves in his marching minions. You see the same thing when Keith Oberman, is compared to Bill O'reilly. Sometimes I listen to Rush Limbaugh, if I can I watch Ann Coulter, and I even give Bill Oreilly a chance once in awhile. I do it because you need to know, and give each side a chance. I strongly suspect most hard core right wingers do not even consider what the left has to say. Many times I have given my right wing friends a copy of an article by someone they do not agree with. They refuse to read it. On the other hand, if they were to give me an article I would be willing to read it and discuss the merits of the case. To me that is the difference between doctrine, and philosophy.

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