Lord Kadizzle has a reputation for being cheap, or cost conscious, or whatever you want to call it. Tuesday with The Commander in Bismarck the Kingdom got everything for at least thirty percent less using the credit card technique. Most stores give you a special deal on the day you get their credit card. The great thing is most of the stores also let you have the discount on the sale price. Lord Kadizzle first purchased a wallet at Herbergers for 40% off. Next, at Penny's his Lordship got two pair of blue jeans that normally sell for thirty two dollars each for only eleven dollars a pair. At Best Buy the Kadizzle family got a forty percent discount on the new external hard drive for the computer. At Scheels the commander got her hunting pants for a thirty percent discount. Now, we have to cancel four credit cards when they come, but for a savings of over one hundred dollars, it can be done. Anyone who made an attempt could save ten percent on every purchase they make. Many times his Lordship has simply told a clerk in a store that he was a good customer and wanted a discount. Often they deliver on the spot. Take your yearly income and figure out what ten percent is, and you may see the glory of being cheap. Lord Kadizzle once read an article that explained this very well. The writer pointed out that if you got a ten percent discount on a purchase, you instantly made ten percent. On the other hand if you invested a dollar, your dollar would be tied up for a year, and you might be lucky to get the ten percent. Now, if you took the dime you made immediately and invested it, by the end of the year your discount at the store could easily amount to twenty percent. The bottom line is do you want to work for your money, or do you want your money to work for you?
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