Friday, September 06, 2024

They are among us.

Yesterday was a strange day at best. Mike F. and Kadizzle went to the park to set up a Harris sign. To our amazement about half the people who commented walking by were normal, and sane. The other half were in the cult. The cult comments showed how effective could paranoid lying is. The cult is soaking it up. A favorite of the cult right now is " Harris is going to defund the police".  Killing full term babies is another one selling well with the cult. Where do the cult people get this stuff? Of course Fox sells it by the bushel.  

So as we sit at the park a park administrator comes out and tells us we cannot have political signs. Kadizzle explains to him the sign is not political. The sign is religious. The Jehovah Witnesses are allowed to have signs so the godly Democrats should be able to. Kadizzle explains to the administrator that his religion is God is a Democrat, so this religious not political. Kadizzle is ready to go to court on the issue, but the administrator is a nice young guy, and Kadizzle does not want to cause him trouble. 

The administrator has a copy  of what he says is the town ordinance. It is actually a ginned up misinterpretation of the town ordinance that came from a complaining Republican.  Kadizzle ask the administrator to show him the actual ordinance. It turns out there is no ordinace. However, because the administrator has been so nice and seems to actually be a good young Democrat, Kadizzle relents and makes a bargain with the administrator. If the administrator will reel in the teenagers that make disturbances in the evening with their cars, Kadizzle will not come to the park with Harris signs. It is a deal in the works. 

Kadizzle has a neighbor who buys into the deep state insanity. The neighbor wants Kadizzle to hear Kash Patel's crazy spin on this. Kadizzle has tried to watch the video, but it is the sort of thing that appeals to the Trump cult mind. 

Trump and his buddy Kash Patel intend to wrect total havoc on the government if Trump is elected. The chaos will be amazing. 

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