Sunday, September 08, 2024

Megan hits one out of the park

 The Donut meeting went well yesterday. The highlight was Megan. This was not my Megan, it was a young woman who works for the town. Megan was brave enough to tell her story in front of about thirty older people at the meeting. Megan drove herself to New Mexico for an abortion. The cost, the pain, and the experience inspired her to fight for women and Democrats. 

The thought went through Kadizzle's head that she gave such a wonderful speech she should run for office. Someone in the crowd made that comment to everyone. 

Another surprising thing at the meeting was a bunch of good people went to the Tea Party meeting. The Tea Party got a serious dose of reality.  The Tea Party wants to destroy the school system in Payson by defeating the "overide". That is the funding for the public schools. Education just confuses people, and Republicans hate thinking people. 

Before the meeting a few of us stood on highway 87 advocating for Harris.  Kadizzle stood near the traffic light. This was a good spot because sometimes normal people would stop and chat. On the flip side were the cult people. Nasty cult people go by and shout obscenities or give you the finger. Kadizzle enjoys pretending everyone is on the good side. To do this Kadizzle says thank you to about every third car and gives the thumbs up sign to the dingers. Seems like there is hope. It seems like we have about an even split with cult people still too numerous to make one feel safe. 

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