Saturday, September 14, 2024

Fire in the hole

Once upon a time Kadizzle was an underground coal miner. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Kadizzle loves miners. Coal miners are a breed apart. Kadizzle at one time did blasting all night long. Kadizzle drilled holes, loaded them with dynamite, and fired them to lower the bottom. We did this so the main line had enough clearance for he coal hauling trains underground. 

To warn everyone before we set the shot off it was customary to yell " Fire in a hole" .  It was actually supposed to be Fire in THE hole, but the coal mine accent required a different pronunciation. 

So what does this have to do with anything? Well Kadizzle when he sits on the executive seat every morning yells fire in a hole. However, lets think again. The election is going to be the equivalent of an explosion. If Trump is elected stuff will fly everywhere, things will be fragmented, there will be a lot of smoke, dust, noise, and perhaps little accomplished. Kadizzle has worked with a lot of explosives during his career. Rest assured explosives can do a lot of good, or a lot of damage. If Harris is elected it could be an explosion of prosperity, an explosion that fragments the cult, and explosion of human potential. 

Once in awhile working at the surface mine Kadizzle would be asked to destroy a beaver dam. Once thing Kadizzle learned as a blaster was not to use too little dynamite. So Kadizzle put the big two inch dynamite that was about a foot long three to a hole in the beaver dam. He put the holes about three feet apart. The blast surely ruined the beaver's hearing. The results were spectacular. The logs and debris from the explosion flew into the air and up and down the nearby road. 

Somehow an old memory is triggered. Earlier Kadizzle wrote about shooting the bottom. A strange accident occurred at another mine when a blaster was killed doing this job. On the main line the entries, or tunnels are cut in what is like city blocks, only smaller. When you shoot you go to the opposite side of the block to protect yourself from the blast. Somehow a miner that must have had he mind of a Trump supporter went clear around the block and stood on the very blast he set off. Was it suicide or was he really that stupid. You might wonder the same thing about someone who wants to vote for Trump. 

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