Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Down at the Park

Old Kadizzle went down to the Green Valley Park today and put up a Harris sign. Sure enough it drew reactions. The suprising thing was it was about sixty percent Hoopleheads, and the rest normal people including democrats, Republicans, and independents. Kadizzle was surprised how many good people commented and are aware of the cult threat.  

The nonsense the Hooples believe is amazing. A young woman with an eight month old baby boy said Harris promotes full term abortions. Kadizzle offered on the spot $20 to another lady if she would look up the economies of Norway, Denmar, Sweden, and other successful countries with more socialist than the United States. No way was the woman going to research information that would contract the cult. 

Had about five conversations or more. A lot of fun. The level of insane ignorance, and crazy things the cult people say is amazing. May go down tomorrow with Mike F. and do it again. 

Jeff and Kadizzle ran across the same article on CNN about the blue dot.  A guy put signs up with just a blue dot on them. It provoked conversation about the election. We will try to get blue dot signs for Payson. 

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