Tuesday, September 03, 2024

The Tires are not round

 OK, Kadizzle could not sleep, so he got up at 4:30 A.M. to have coffee. About six the little Bumble Bee, Winkie, got up. Winkie started cackling at Kadizzle. Kadizzle tried to explain to Winkie that he cannot wake up like she does. Kadizzle slowly becomes awake. 

This all made Kadizzle think of the giant tires on the haul trucks at the mine where he used to work. Each tire weighed over three tons. In the winter the trucks would sit over the week end and the rubber on the tires would freeze.  The net result was a tire with a flat spot. Once the truck was driven down the road you could notice he unusual sound of the giant unround tire. After the truck was driven awhile the tire warmed up and became round. That is the way Kadizzle's mind works. Unlike Winkie's brain, the brain of Kadizzle is a massive frozen stone in the morning, and it takes awhile to thaw. 

This gets us to the Payson Roundup. After wandering out the driveway to pickup the paper Kadizzle sat down to read the paper. A long goofy letter was printed on the opinion page by some right wing nut case. Kadizzle read the letter, then noticed he paper printed the exact same letter on the opinion page twice. What kind of editor or proof reader would not notice a long letter printed twice, one time after another. 

Maybe the answer was the proof reader was drunk. Choosing such a stupid letter in the first place to print indicated whomever put that page together was not entirely awake. Their tire was still not round. 

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