Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hopefully Normal people will prevail.

 This morning Kadizzle will meet with a Republican who wants to support Harris. Our country is in the worst peril in my lifetime. Stupidity is rampant. People are willing to believe the most absurd nonsense Trump can spit out. Don't believe your lying eyes seems to be the modus operandi. Can people get drunk on stupidity? Hell yes. Go out to the casino and watch people jam paychecks into slot machines. How does that work. How does a human mind think it is winning when the math clearly shows they dupe is being robbed. 

Trump plays on this desire to believe the absurd. Trump feeds his flock some silly fantasy and they buy it. You can think, without thinking is the magic of Trumpism. Trump will come up with a simple explanation for everything, why buy the more complicated version of reality when Trump has a discount 9.99 version that almost works. Trump say he may end the war in Ukraine before he even takes office. Now a sane person would say " why doesn't he?", but a simple minded dolt doesn't even have enough sense to ask the question. 

A joke type picture is another good example. Someone posted a picture of a pet shelter in Ohio that was empty. Now why would immigrants steal pets to eat when they could get them for free? The Trump mindset is special. All this reminds Kadizzle of being at a little restaurant in North Dakota. The Hoopleheads in the next booth were talking about the Northern Lights. One Hooplehead said the Northern Lights were reflections of the sun off the ice at the north pole, a great simple explanation, but absolutely false. This worked for the Hoopleheads, but it simply was not true. The real explanation was far too difficult for the simple minded. Trump understands the need to simplify things for idiots and he exploits the desire of idiots to think they know something. 

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