Friday, September 20, 2024

Bum Security Inc

 Kadizzle found the bum he needed. Modern bums have cell phones and make pretty good money begging. A couple weeks back Kadizzle met a bum on the corner when Kadizzle was holding a Harris campaign sign by the highway. This fellow lives in an old beat up class c RV. Mr. Bummore has a great big hound dog. 

Kadizzle has explained he plan to Bummore about catching he Republican rodents messing with the Democrats campaign signs. Bummore will camp near the signs and keep an eye on them some of the signs will be rigged with a noisy alarm. Bummore will get $20 for camping near the signs, and $20 if he catches the rotten Republicans. 

This whole episode has got Kadizzle thinking about a bum security company. Bums are usually bums because they lack ambition. How much ambition does it take to sleep under a bridge and wait for an alarm to go off. If bums are good at anything it is sitting still or just standing in one place. Now for the capper. When Kadizzle asked Mr. Bummore for his phone number he said " Wait I will get you my business card".  Sure enough Bummore produced his business card. It is nice to see bums become more professional. 

Just imagine, you give a bum a few bucks at the intersecion near Safeway. The bums says " Here's my business card if you get the urge to give me more money, just call".  Bumming isn't what it used to be. 

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