Friday, September 20, 2024

Bum Security Inc

 Kadizzle found the bum he needed. Modern bums have cell phones and make pretty good money begging. A couple weeks back Kadizzle met a bum on the corner when Kadizzle was holding a Harris campaign sign by the highway. This fellow lives in an old beat up class c RV. Mr. Bummore has a great big hound dog. 

Kadizzle has explained he plan to Bummore about catching he Republican rodents messing with the Democrats campaign signs. Bummore will camp near the signs and keep an eye on them some of the signs will be rigged with a noisy alarm. Bummore will get $20 for camping near the signs, and $20 if he catches the rotten Republicans. 

This whole episode has got Kadizzle thinking about a bum security company. Bums are usually bums because they lack ambition. How much ambition does it take to sleep under a bridge and wait for an alarm to go off. If bums are good at anything it is sitting still or just standing in one place. Now for the capper. When Kadizzle asked Mr. Bummore for his phone number he said " Wait I will get you my business card".  Sure enough Bummore produced his business card. It is nice to see bums become more professional. 

Just imagine, you give a bum a few bucks at the intersecion near Safeway. The bums says " Here's my business card if you get the urge to give me more money, just call".  Bumming isn't what it used to be. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Rim Trail #139 towards Devil's Chasm 9/12/24 What we did last week

The light of Freedom


Sign Wars

Political signs are silly, and the truth be known Kadizzle doesn't really like them, but the do serve a purpose. What purpose? Comfort. In a redneck town normal people need to know there are other normal people. Putting up signs with Jeff a normal person stopped and said it made her feel good to know other normal people existed. Of course the Hoopleheads and Dingers want the other simple minded people to know they are around. So it is like a dog leaving a mark.  

This gets us to the rotten Republicans that tear down the Harris signs. Democrats have more honor and leave the Trump droppings alone. Yesterday the Hooples sprayed red spray paint on the normal signs. It would be great to catch a dinger in action.  Today if Kadizzle gets motivated it may be more battles in the sign war.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Where are the Bums when you need them.

 Rotten Republicans have been tearing down Democratic political signs every night. What can we do? Kadizzle wants to hire a bum to sleep under the bridge near our signs. The sign will have an alarm. The bum gets twenty dollars for sleeping under the bridge, and twenty more if he catches the Trump rats. 

However, there is a problem. All the bums have migrated. We just had a cold snap and there is not a bum to be found. Normally a bum is at Walmart or Safeway, but not today. 

Bums could easily be security guards. With our sign problem they could actually sit by the road with the bum sign and collect money. If you know a Bum looking for easy income please contact the blog. 

Normal Republicans

Simply as a person if they are going to vote for Trump. If they answer yes they are of subpar intelligence, and abnormal. Appearing more in the news and social media are normal Republicans repudiating Trump. These normal Republicans can be the answer to the cult. Cult Republicans do not talk to normal people, but they may talk to normal Republicans. 

Few people realize how many cult members there are. A couple different experiments have indicated to Kadizzle the number of cult people is too high to be comfortable.  The simplest way to smoke out a cult member is to hold a Harris sign on the highway or at the library. The cult member will show disgust on their face, give you the finger, or actually engage in conversation. 

The saddest thing is to see a young person caught up in the cult. The young high school dropout is an ideal cult member. Some of it may be that if dad is in the cult sign me up. An amazing element of the cult are the old Germans. If anyone should know better it is the Germans, but many of them are in the cult. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Dingers at the library

Winky attended a presentation at the library. Kadizzle was supposed to pick her up so he sat in front of the library with a sign " Republicans for Harris ".   About seven people went by. Three were normal, and four were cult people. One would think people going into a library would read. Kadizzle challenged a couple of the dingers to go into the library and research their illusions. Nope, nothing would bust the cult fantasy. The Hoopleheads were sure people in Springfield were eating dogs and cats. A younger dinger with children said he had proof. Kadizzle asked for the proof. The dinger said he saw videos of people who said they saw it happen. Dingers are special when it comes to reality. 

The Hoopleheads are trying to say the economy is bad. The stock market is at an all time high and interest rates are coming down. Where is the proof. People are still getting tatous, the high school kids are driving nice cars, and the bars, casino, and fast food places are packed.  Where is the pain?


Monday, September 16, 2024

How many mean nasty people are there?

Friend Mike F. likes to stand on highway 87 with Democratic political signs before the Donuts with Democrats meeting. This is a busy traffic time because of everyone heading to the mountains for the weekend. There are three reactions. Grumpy Republicans shout something, or giving the finger, expressionless people trying to ignore, and cheerful Democrats giving a smile, a wave, or a thumbs up. 

The whole experience is like an instant political poll. This part of Arizona is redneck, Hooplehead heaven.  The results for reality are better than one would think. The split might be 50 50, but is more likely in favor of the grumps. One car was interesting. In the back seat were three women, and in the front three men. The three women gave the thumbs up and the men the thumbs down. That tells a lot. Kadizzle likes to stand by the traffic light. Some cars stop with the windows down and conversation ensues. Mostly nice people thank us for the effort. Of course the grumps say nasty silly things. The motorcycle men have to portray themselves as tough Trump idiots. Truck drivers are about fifty, fifty. 

Kadizzle took out the bull horn from the Democratic headquarters this last time. Shouting " Thank you, thank you so much for your support".  Also it was a chance to shout back at the Hooples. All in all it is a fun prelude to the meeting. 

Trumps lie about people eating pets made it hard for the cult. Even hard core cult people found it hard to go along with that nonsense, but then the true cultest were sure dogs and cats were being served for dinner in Springfield Ohio. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hopefully Normal people will prevail.

 This morning Kadizzle will meet with a Republican who wants to support Harris. Our country is in the worst peril in my lifetime. Stupidity is rampant. People are willing to believe the most absurd nonsense Trump can spit out. Don't believe your lying eyes seems to be the modus operandi. Can people get drunk on stupidity? Hell yes. Go out to the casino and watch people jam paychecks into slot machines. How does that work. How does a human mind think it is winning when the math clearly shows they dupe is being robbed. 

Trump plays on this desire to believe the absurd. Trump feeds his flock some silly fantasy and they buy it. You can think, without thinking is the magic of Trumpism. Trump will come up with a simple explanation for everything, why buy the more complicated version of reality when Trump has a discount 9.99 version that almost works. Trump say he may end the war in Ukraine before he even takes office. Now a sane person would say " why doesn't he?", but a simple minded dolt doesn't even have enough sense to ask the question. 

A joke type picture is another good example. Someone posted a picture of a pet shelter in Ohio that was empty. Now why would immigrants steal pets to eat when they could get them for free? The Trump mindset is special. All this reminds Kadizzle of being at a little restaurant in North Dakota. The Hoopleheads in the next booth were talking about the Northern Lights. One Hooplehead said the Northern Lights were reflections of the sun off the ice at the north pole, a great simple explanation, but absolutely false. This worked for the Hoopleheads, but it simply was not true. The real explanation was far too difficult for the simple minded. Trump understands the need to simplify things for idiots and he exploits the desire of idiots to think they know something. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Fire in the hole

Once upon a time Kadizzle was an underground coal miner. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Kadizzle loves miners. Coal miners are a breed apart. Kadizzle at one time did blasting all night long. Kadizzle drilled holes, loaded them with dynamite, and fired them to lower the bottom. We did this so the main line had enough clearance for he coal hauling trains underground. 

To warn everyone before we set the shot off it was customary to yell " Fire in a hole" .  It was actually supposed to be Fire in THE hole, but the coal mine accent required a different pronunciation. 

So what does this have to do with anything? Well Kadizzle when he sits on the executive seat every morning yells fire in a hole. However, lets think again. The election is going to be the equivalent of an explosion. If Trump is elected stuff will fly everywhere, things will be fragmented, there will be a lot of smoke, dust, noise, and perhaps little accomplished. Kadizzle has worked with a lot of explosives during his career. Rest assured explosives can do a lot of good, or a lot of damage. If Harris is elected it could be an explosion of prosperity, an explosion that fragments the cult, and explosion of human potential. 

Once in awhile working at the surface mine Kadizzle would be asked to destroy a beaver dam. Once thing Kadizzle learned as a blaster was not to use too little dynamite. So Kadizzle put the big two inch dynamite that was about a foot long three to a hole in the beaver dam. He put the holes about three feet apart. The blast surely ruined the beaver's hearing. The results were spectacular. The logs and debris from the explosion flew into the air and up and down the nearby road. 

Somehow an old memory is triggered. Earlier Kadizzle wrote about shooting the bottom. A strange accident occurred at another mine when a blaster was killed doing this job. On the main line the entries, or tunnels are cut in what is like city blocks, only smaller. When you shoot you go to the opposite side of the block to protect yourself from the blast. Somehow a miner that must have had he mind of a Trump supporter went clear around the block and stood on the very blast he set off. Was it suicide or was he really that stupid. You might wonder the same thing about someone who wants to vote for Trump. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

German worker at Walmart

 Kadizzle had to tie his shoes. Walking over to the bench where he Walmart ladies were taking a break, Kadizzle struck up a conversation. He noticed the woman had an accent. She said she was German. Like so many she marred an American serviceman. "How do you like living in the United States compared to Germany" Kadizzle asked. Her answer was revealing. " I am beginning to think Germany was better after seeing what is happening here".  Talking a little more it was evident Trump had her upset. Trump reminded her to he hard lesson Germans had learned with Hitler she said. 

Old People in the Sierra Ancha Mountians

Mike and Jim for some strange reason are obsessed with maintaining the trails in the Sierra Ancha mountains. Most people don't realize Arizona has a treasure of wonderful mountains. Each set of mountains is different. The Sierra Ancha are Kadizzle's favorite mountains. 

Naturally Winky somehow got tied up with Mike and Jim to clear trails in the wilderness. So yesterday we go up at 5A.M.  and drove about 75 miles to clear trails. The final road is about five miles of nasty cliff side rock strewn road. Now that is bad enough, but we make the trip in Jim's 1970's Ford Bronco with 550,000 miles on it. The trip is like riding in a five gallon bucket full of bolts. The rattle wagon stops near the fire tower and off we go.  Going down the side of the mountain, you know you will have to come back up. 

Everyone of us is right around 75.  We cleared trail for a couple hours. Jim almost by himself cut a huge log twice so people could get through the log on the trail. Jim did this with a special hand saw. Amazing he could do it the log was 2 feet in diameter. A real highlight for Kadizzle was being above Devil's Chasm and looking down into the Crackhouse Indian ruin. 

Finally the time came to hike out. What a hike, it was like a death march. Jim has the worst ankles of any human Kadizzle has seen. His feet are splayed out at the ankle at about 45 degrees. How that man hikes is a miracle. It took each of us about two hours to hike out. Everyone was exhausted, and old Kadizzle often had to rest every couple hundred yards. Winky saw a small bear on the way out. 

Finally at the top Kadizzle could not get to the ice water in the truck because Jim was behind and had the keys. Frustration. With four worn out people the bolt wagon rumbled down the mountain. The road was on Workman Creek.  If you ever get the chance visit that area. There is a 400ft waterfall, and a lot more to see. If you make it to the fire tower that is well worth it. Never been so worn out in my life. Friday will be a day of recovery. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The gleet popped out

For over a month Kadizzle has been plagued with a gleet. In the old days kidney stones were called gleets. Well, the gleet popped out last night and Kadizzle could dance with joy. It was a mild gleet as gleets go but nice to be rid of it. 

What about the debate? Harris blew old Trump, the dog eater to shreds. She did a great job. Of course the lying rat Trump says he won. Yes, he won the lying contest, but she won the debate. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Come to the prayer meeting.

 The prayer meeting is actually Donuts with Democrats. Our numbers are increasing, and the Harris whooping of the Trump rat should make more people attend. We meet on Bonita Street at 10 at Democratic HQT. Kadizzle has a friend who may do a documentary on the group. Immigrants are everywhere. They were fixing up the neighbors yard, putting up new houses in our neighborhood. They moved some heavy lumber for me. They are great people, but unfortunately according to Trump they cannot resist a good dog meat sandwich. Keep an eye on your pets. Kadizzle told all the immigrants our dog has cancer and would taste terrible. 

The Cult mind

The debate? How could any normal person watch Trump lie and not notice? Immigrants eating dogs was Kadizzle's favorite lie. The cult was forced to watch Trump lie and pretend lie he wasn't. Another favorite was claiming babies could be delivered live then killed. Yup, happens all the time. Normally that would be murder, but in the Trump world it is just Democrats. Harris tore the rat to shreds. What a delight. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Very Strong Case Why MAGA Voters Are Stupid

Old Jim Riddle called last night

Laying in bed the phone rang an it was Jim. Jim is an old hunting buddy who came to North Dakota years ago to hunt pheasants in the fall. In  his 80's Jim is living proof you can chew tobacco all your life and survive with one kidney. No doubt his body will be given to medical researchers. Like Kadizzle, Jim lives in a hotbed of Hooplehead conservatives. 

We talked politics and both of us expressed our fear the cult could win. Imagine the country plunged into Trump insanity. Kadizzle had a bad night trying to sleep. We had some hot pepper concoction that set the bowels afire. 

Up early Kadizzle wrote a letter to the editor. Here it is"

**Letter to the Editor:**

The rise of Adolf Hitler in 1930s Germany remains one of the darkest chapters in human history. What many forget, however, is that Hitler ascended to power not in a nation of ignorance or backwardness, but in one of the most educated and scientifically advanced societies of its time. He was elected by a population that, despite its intellectual accomplishments, became vulnerable to conspiracy theories, lies, and fear-mongering. A country renowned for its contributions to science, art, and philosophy fell under the sway of a man who used manipulation and deceit to fracture democratic norms.

Today, in the United States, we face an eerily similar situation. Donald Trump, a man who has made no secret of his disdain for critical thought and intellectualism, once proudly declared, "I love the uneducated." While this statement may seem benign to some, it carries a deeper, more dangerous implication: an uninformed, misled populace is ripe for manipulation by those who would use fear and division to gain power.

It is no coincidence that throughout history, autocrats and tyrants have thrived in environments where truth is twisted and ignorance is rewarded. Trump’s embrace of misinformation, conspiracy theories, and outright falsehoods taps into a troubling reality: an uninformed electorate can easily become the vehicle for destructive leadership, as seen in 1930s Germany.

The old adage, “Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it,” is more relevant now than ever. If we do not recognize the value of education, critical thinking, and facts, we risk falling into the same trap that allowed a madman to rise to power in the past. As citizens, we must resist the temptation to succumb to the allure of simple answers and scapegoating, and instead demand that our leaders be held accountable to truth, reason, and the principles of democracy.

We must never forget that democracy is fragile, and only an informed, engaged populace can protect it from those who would tear it down. If we fail to learn from history, we are indeed doomed to repeat it.


Monday, September 09, 2024

Two rattlesnakes

 On the morning hike Al, Cissie and Deb saw a rattler with 12 rattles. The other rattlesnake is an orange one that will debate Harris tomorrow. 

Political things are heating up. Kadizzle is hopeful the Hoopleheads are losing, and the smart ones are leaving the cult. The Russians have spent a lot of money supporting Trump with fake media. 

When you confront the dingers with facts they run. 

Sunday, September 08, 2024

"Gimme Hope Kamala" - Marsh Family adaptation of Eddy Grant "Gimme Hope ...No choice, you have to watch this.

This is better than good, a must watch. 

Megan hits one out of the park

 The Donut meeting went well yesterday. The highlight was Megan. This was not my Megan, it was a young woman who works for the town. Megan was brave enough to tell her story in front of about thirty older people at the meeting. Megan drove herself to New Mexico for an abortion. The cost, the pain, and the experience inspired her to fight for women and Democrats. 

The thought went through Kadizzle's head that she gave such a wonderful speech she should run for office. Someone in the crowd made that comment to everyone. 

Another surprising thing at the meeting was a bunch of good people went to the Tea Party meeting. The Tea Party got a serious dose of reality.  The Tea Party wants to destroy the school system in Payson by defeating the "overide". That is the funding for the public schools. Education just confuses people, and Republicans hate thinking people. 

Before the meeting a few of us stood on highway 87 advocating for Harris.  Kadizzle stood near the traffic light. This was a good spot because sometimes normal people would stop and chat. On the flip side were the cult people. Nasty cult people go by and shout obscenities or give you the finger. Kadizzle enjoys pretending everyone is on the good side. To do this Kadizzle says thank you to about every third car and gives the thumbs up sign to the dingers. Seems like there is hope. It seems like we have about an even split with cult people still too numerous to make one feel safe. 

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Hans Theessink - Slow Train (lyrics) You have to listen

Old Kadizzle sat on the deck this morning and listened to this song. It made him think of ex presidents going cross country for a funeral train. Then Kadizzle thought of Trump. Trump should be taken after he dies to the dump on a slow garbage truck. Just imagine Trump lying in state on the top of a slow garbage Truck. His cult can line the road to the dump. The song is very good. Take time to  watch the video.

Time to get the finger

This morning around 8:30 Kadizzle will join Mike F. to stand on highway 87 with a Harris sign. Of course the dingers will go by and give us the finger.  Raising the blood pressure of a dinger rise is satisfying. Another satisfying moment is the moment normal people give us the thumbs up. Some normal people even stop at the traffic light and thank us. 

Jeff is working on some blue dot signs. Read up on them. They are the new symbol for bashful liberals. 

The Hoopleheads all have one thing in common. If you confront a Hooplehead about Trump with facts they run. Paul Krugman has an excellent article in the NYT today about how Trump lies. Trump loves to lie about the price of bacon. 

Friday, September 06, 2024

They are among us.

Yesterday was a strange day at best. Mike F. and Kadizzle went to the park to set up a Harris sign. To our amazement about half the people who commented walking by were normal, and sane. The other half were in the cult. The cult comments showed how effective could paranoid lying is. The cult is soaking it up. A favorite of the cult right now is " Harris is going to defund the police".  Killing full term babies is another one selling well with the cult. Where do the cult people get this stuff? Of course Fox sells it by the bushel.  

So as we sit at the park a park administrator comes out and tells us we cannot have political signs. Kadizzle explains to him the sign is not political. The sign is religious. The Jehovah Witnesses are allowed to have signs so the godly Democrats should be able to. Kadizzle explains to the administrator that his religion is God is a Democrat, so this religious not political. Kadizzle is ready to go to court on the issue, but the administrator is a nice young guy, and Kadizzle does not want to cause him trouble. 

The administrator has a copy  of what he says is the town ordinance. It is actually a ginned up misinterpretation of the town ordinance that came from a complaining Republican.  Kadizzle ask the administrator to show him the actual ordinance. It turns out there is no ordinace. However, because the administrator has been so nice and seems to actually be a good young Democrat, Kadizzle relents and makes a bargain with the administrator. If the administrator will reel in the teenagers that make disturbances in the evening with their cars, Kadizzle will not come to the park with Harris signs. It is a deal in the works. 

Kadizzle has a neighbor who buys into the deep state insanity. The neighbor wants Kadizzle to hear Kash Patel's crazy spin on this. Kadizzle has tried to watch the video, but it is the sort of thing that appeals to the Trump cult mind. 

Trump and his buddy Kash Patel intend to wrect total havoc on the government if Trump is elected. The chaos will be amazing. 

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Gun Insanity

Last evening Kadizzle sat in the park with two retired police officers. Between them they had served as policemen for almost sixty years. Kadizzle asked this question "In your career how many times did you take your gun out of the holster?".  Both had the same answer, three. Long ago Kadizzle asked the local police chief who served our little town the same question. His answer was once in 25 years. Now lets get to the point. If a policeman rarely needs a gun, then what are the odds an ordinary citizen does?  

The goofy guy you see in the grocery store with a gun, has no chance in hell of every really needing it. He is just a mental case with an imagination.  

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Down at the Park

Old Kadizzle went down to the Green Valley Park today and put up a Harris sign. Sure enough it drew reactions. The suprising thing was it was about sixty percent Hoopleheads, and the rest normal people including democrats, Republicans, and independents. Kadizzle was surprised how many good people commented and are aware of the cult threat.  

The nonsense the Hooples believe is amazing. A young woman with an eight month old baby boy said Harris promotes full term abortions. Kadizzle offered on the spot $20 to another lady if she would look up the economies of Norway, Denmar, Sweden, and other successful countries with more socialist than the United States. No way was the woman going to research information that would contract the cult. 

Had about five conversations or more. A lot of fun. The level of insane ignorance, and crazy things the cult people say is amazing. May go down tomorrow with Mike F. and do it again. 

Jeff and Kadizzle ran across the same article on CNN about the blue dot.  A guy put signs up with just a blue dot on them. It provoked conversation about the election. We will try to get blue dot signs for Payson. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

The Tires are not round

 OK, Kadizzle could not sleep, so he got up at 4:30 A.M. to have coffee. About six the little Bumble Bee, Winkie, got up. Winkie started cackling at Kadizzle. Kadizzle tried to explain to Winkie that he cannot wake up like she does. Kadizzle slowly becomes awake. 

This all made Kadizzle think of the giant tires on the haul trucks at the mine where he used to work. Each tire weighed over three tons. In the winter the trucks would sit over the week end and the rubber on the tires would freeze.  The net result was a tire with a flat spot. Once the truck was driven down the road you could notice he unusual sound of the giant unround tire. After the truck was driven awhile the tire warmed up and became round. That is the way Kadizzle's mind works. Unlike Winkie's brain, the brain of Kadizzle is a massive frozen stone in the morning, and it takes awhile to thaw. 

This gets us to the Payson Roundup. After wandering out the driveway to pickup the paper Kadizzle sat down to read the paper. A long goofy letter was printed on the opinion page by some right wing nut case. Kadizzle read the letter, then noticed he paper printed the exact same letter on the opinion page twice. What kind of editor or proof reader would not notice a long letter printed twice, one time after another. 

Maybe the answer was the proof reader was drunk. Choosing such a stupid letter in the first place to print indicated whomever put that page together was not entirely awake. Their tire was still not round. 

Monday, September 02, 2024

Fun with Jehovah

The Jehovah Witnesses sit down at the park every day recruiting people for God. Kadizzle joined them and put up a Harris sign. Wanted to confuse people so they might think God supported Harris.  A nasty old woman went by and gave the sign the finger. 

As the conversation rolls along with God's guys Kadizzle makes it a point to say something nasty about Trump when someone walks by so they are sure to overhear the comment. So no to serve the lord in so many ways. 

Little Sister

Little sister Patty called and suggested Kadizzle go to mainland Europe instead of Scotland. It was a good idea. So Kadizzle changed course and is now headed first to Amsterdam. Which actually turned out to be more convenient and a better deal.  What made sense was train travel. The plan is to buy a Eurail Pass and buzz around on trains. 

The neighborhood is shaping up. There was a minor kerfuffle. One new neighbor has sons at the age of obsession with driving. Down the street he sped. Another neighbor did not like the excessive speed and confronted the young man. If the report is correct the young man was rude to his senior. Stay posted. 

Looks like another nice day, one problem. The rain goes north, south, and everywhere but here it is dry. This gets to the next problem. The water company called and said it is not dry. According to the water company we used 12,000 gallons of water last month.  We got to figure this one out today. 

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Blackwater 100 GNCC - 1986 Highlights

My brother, and brother in law raced in this. My brother wore a small traffic cone on his helmet, and the announcer called him the cone head.