Friday, August 02, 2024

The Trump Train. Imagine a parade of idiots

Saturday at noon the most hard corps idiots  will line up and parade down the main streets of town. Imagine declaring yourself an idiot and making sure everyone in town knows it. The cult will expose it's followers for all to see. This will be an amazing event for Payson. First hand you will get to know who is actually a dolt. One of the nicest things about Trump idiots is there willingness to let you know they are not too bright, watch Fox News, and will believe anything. 

Get out there and see who the dolts are. What is a Hooplehead? Well if you want to see the animal alive marching down the street this is your chance. Who falls for every scam? Who buys the 19.99 crap? Who loves conspiracy theories? Just stand there and watch the idiots parade. 

Now you want the scary part? As the Hoopleheads, and idiots go buy see if you can spot Steve Otto and some of the other sorrowful fools who just got elected to town council. Yup, you sat on your ass and now the same idiots marching for Trump will do their best to F**ck up your town. If you voted for them get in the parade.

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