Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Michele Obama put Trump in a meat grinder

 Michele Obama cut the Trump rat to shreds with her speech last night. Kadizzle read it in the NYT. Wish had seen it live. OK, this is a command, you must read he article. No one has so concisely described the rat. 

Back in saddle. Nice to be back in Payson. You can have every big city, the East coast, and everything East of the Mississippi. Maine was nice, and the food did a nuclear blast to the scale, but the crowed highways, and throngs of people are too much.

Back in Arizona Kadizzle realized the virtue of he West. You can see. In New York, Main, and just about every eastern state the sight distance is often only a couple hundred feet with the forest lining the roads. In the west from our deck thirty miles we can see. Wide open vistas. Secondly is variety. The west has it, the east is damn near the same form north to south. 

So we just spent ten days with out little grandchildren. They are both intelligent little beings, but a handful to deal with at times. Quinn my precious little boy has endless energy, and imagination. Quinn wore grandpa down in no time. Evie and Quinn both are products of their mom a professional artist and designer. The two little bums have art talents well beyond their age. Evie is a math wizard for seven years old. 

Slowing down the pace back in Payson feels good. Now the real enemy is the scale. Kadizzle stepped onto the devil platform and was shocked how quick the tonnage piled up. 

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