Friday, August 23, 2024

Normal People vs Cult People

For better or worse people get thrown in categories. Two categories Kadizzle uses are normal people and the cult people. Normal people live in reality, a world of facts, intelligence, history, and truth. On the other hand the cult people live in a world of lies, fantasy, conspiracy theories, and polluted with lies. 

Talking to cult people is interesting, but ultimately boring. Kadizzle prefers a good conversation with normal people. The cult people live in a world of fear, they love gun, and someone is always out to get them. Cult people imprison themselves with fear, paranoia, and delusion. Normal people do not live a life of gloom and doom. Joy is he word the Democrats are using. Trump does not sell joy. Trump has no friends, not even his wife likes him. Trump is a negative rat. On the other hand you have Harris full of energy and joy. 

Would you want to golf with Trump? He cheats at golf, he cheats on his wife, he cheats college students, and he cheats himself out of dignity and true friendships. 

Why do cults appeal to people? Cults and religion are one and the same. You get to believe whatever you want. You get to leave the world of reality and live in a make believe world. Religion invented hell, cult people invented Trump. Why do these people want to invent terrible things and people?

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