Sunday, August 25, 2024

The finger or the thumb

My buddy Mike F. loves to stand on the street and fight Trump with a sign. Mike is 83 and Kadizzle does not like him to be alone. So yesterday before the Donut meeting we stood on the street with our signs. Kadizzle was supporting Harris.

The fun part are the thumbs up signs we get from passing motorist, and of course the nasty Trumpers that give us the finger. The process is a polling game. We all felt the thumbs up won yesterday, but seeing the nasty Trump people has some sort of message. Seeing a delusional cult person is scary. The cult people believe nonsense and apparently cannot recognize the con man for what a thieving rat he is. 

Hopefully the world is changing, but the number of cult people should be a concern to everyone. The cult people are devoid of logic. They live on emotion and poorly thought out theories. One president cannot change the course of economics or many things in a short time. The tide just does not change that fast. Cause and effect are something cult people do not grasp. Trump takes credit for things he had nothing to do with. Trump blames others for things they cannot control. Trump is a classic con man. A good con man plays on stupid people. Sadly Trump has proven there is an endless supply of idiots.  

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