Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Normal People

Last night Kadizzle met with two normal people. The normal people meet about twice a week. A conversation with normal people is great. Normal people read real information, read decent books, and have a realistic world view. Very refreshing just to know there are normal people. 

On the other side of the coin are the insane Trump cult people, and the just plain paranoid crazy people. Kadizzle spent about 45 minutes talking to Doug yesterday. Doug is lost in a world of paranoid insanity. Everyone is plotting to take his money. Gloom, and doom are his bread and butter. Conspiracies abound. Now for the dinger. Doug is living a life the hard core Christian Nationalist, and Republicans would not approve of. Hitler would have had him shot for his sexual preferences. Who does Doug support? Of course, like every good nut case Doug likes Trump. Doug bitches about crooked people, yet wants the most crooked man ever in office to do it again. 

How can a person run their own business, and be successful, yet not see through the con man? Doesn't seem like a paradox to Doug. 

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