Saturday, August 03, 2024


 KKKMOG is the local right wing radio station. Even though the station spent hours promoting Nazi like Republicans for office it could have been worse. The Hoopleheads will make a mess of town council. However, there is hope the normal members of the council can hold back the tide of idiocy.  Kadizzle is trying to get the local businesses to boycott the station with advertising. 

What is so bad about KKKMOG? The right wing voice that abuses the FCC mandate simply hangs up when anyone challenges the lies or paranoid stories of the Hoopleheads. Of course the host calls Democrats Marxist, communist, and other abusive names. 

KKKMOG drums up the border situation. An invasion of rapist and drug dealers is their version. No sympathy for mothers with children in their arms seeking a better life. 

KKKMOG is going to put the right wing spin on everything. Of course they also want to help the planet burn. Climate change is a liberal conspiracy. KKKMOG takes the lead from Fox News.  

The worst of the worst are promoted on KKKMOG. Steve Slaton was on for hours defending his lies about his military service. Thank you Jesus he was defeated. Then. you had Wendy Rodgers, she is the local lunatic. The goofy guy for sheriff also was defeated, another thank you Jesus. 

The really bad news is Steve Otto. This lying scum was elected because the independents did not understand how to vote. Steve Otto will be the mayor. The troglodyte wants the town to go back to the stone age.  Steve would show up at town council meetings and tell the town they were hiding  50 million dollars in some drawer.  Now that Steve is mayor he. will have to pull out the fifty million. 

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