Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Hope springs eternal

Harris can defeat the rats, and Waltz is just icing on the cake. Trump, Vance, Elon Musk, and all the Republican rats may get the drumming they deserve. Energy is flowing for the Democrats, and it can be turned into a sunrise. Trump has been an evil plague on the world, and if you are a decent human you will help rid us of the Trump rat, and his gang of greed driven buddies. 

Women, young people, and minorities will be the key. Those are the people the rats are stepping on. If only they will light a fire under thier ass and get in gear the rat can be removed from our reality. 

The cult is like religion, facts, reality, and normal intelligence just does not work on the cult people. They believe.  Believing in fantasy, superstition, and scary tales is what the cult is into. The cult people never became adults. Their bodies got bigger, but they have the mind of children. Children love scary stories, and so do cult members. Trump knows how to lie to the cult. J. D. Vance is just a juiced up Trump, one more Republican liar. 

We are better than this. Do your part talk to people. The country can be saved. Our way of life can be saved and improved. Why let Trump sink the ship just to give the rich more? 

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