Monday, August 26, 2024

The Hoopleheads

 No one scares Kadizzle like the Hoopleheads. Hoopleheads soak up conspiracy theories like a sponge soaking up beer. The Hooples are not deep thinkers. Trump is just the ticket for the Hooples. Trump simplifies complex things into hate, fear, and lies. The Hooples love it. Normal people who sit back and think Hooples are not dangerous brought us Trump the first time. If you are a normal person, that understands gravity, logic, science, and reality, you better wake up. Sit on your hands one more time and the country is toast. Never underestimate stupid people. Germany did and look what the got. Most people don't know Hitler was elected. 

A normal person can quickly recognize Trump is mentally ill. A normal person knows Trump is a sleazy con man. Normal people know Trump is for Trump and no one else. The Hoopleheads on the other hand are immature dolts. The Hoopleheads see Trump as the kid in high school who says something smart to the teacher. The Hoopleheadds see Trump as a guy giving everyone the finger. Is that what you want for a president? Our system is a mess. The electoral college has take the vote away from normal people and given it to the Hooples. If you don't have the courage to speak up about Trump then prepare for the modern version of Hitler. 

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