Saturday, August 31, 2024

What about boycotts?

Kadizzle has no real clue who reads this. However, if you live in Payson, AZ Kadizzle strongly suggest you do not patronize the Buffalo Bar and Grill. Why? Marion, a good woman, with a strong streak of patriotism was holding a Harris sign on the sidewalk by the Buffalo Bar and Grill. Marion has every right in the world to stand there with a sign. However the bar owner rudely tried to intimidate her and told her to leave. Being the strong woman she is, she brushed him off and challenged him to call the police. 

Kadizzle suggested to several businesses, and the Banner Hospital they do not do business with KMOG radio. In general Kadizzle does not believe in boycotting businesses. That is why a lot of good businesses left the Democratic fold. On the other hand there is a line. KMOG has every right to be a right wing radio station, but they should stick to the truth, and some decency. There is a certain point a magic line where you go too far.  

Prayer Meeting

At ten the normal people will meet for Donuts with Democrats. Come on down to Dem HQT on Bonita Street and join us.  Before the meeting a few of us will hold signs supporting Harris and Walz on 87. Of course the Hoopleheads will drive by and give us the finger. The Normals will give us a thumbs up. 

It is fun to see the results of the informal polling. Seems about even, or maybe Harris gets more than the Hooples. The Hoopleheads are a sad bunch. They are trapped in a world of fear, paranoia, and misinformation. Hoopleheads cannot respond with reason. Emotion rules the brain of the simple minded. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Steve Otto cannot wait to shoot his feet off

The cult loves the deranged, and Payson is going to get wacked by the cult. Steve Otto is the local version of Trump. He lies like a rug, and cooks up insane accusations in his microwave. Steve will be the next mayor of Payzon. Kadizzle thought Otto would wait until he took office to infect the town with his lies and insanity, but that is not the case. Otto has already declared he is going to "investigate". 

According to Otto the current town council is doing all sorts of mafia like things. Trying to build a town pool is at the top of the list. What takes the cake is Otto says he will enlist another nut, Wendy Rodgers to help stir the pot of boiling mentally ill brains. 

Payson will be in perpetual chaos now that the cult has elected three mental cases. Progress will come to a standstill. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Fun with the Jehovah Witnesses.

 Took the morning bike ride. The Jehovahs were at their usual place. Kadizzle has fun trying to get them to vote. They don't like Trump, but will not be active. They just sit there with a pickle up their ass, hoping God will fix everything. 

While talking to the Lord's workers of course people walk by. Kadizzle makes it a point to say something loud and bad about Trump when a person walks by. Sure enough one dinger overheard a remark and had to say something bad about democrats. This is a fun thing to do. When you thing a dinger is nearby and you are having a conversation be sure to say loudly what a rat Trump is. Most dingers will resist responding, but it is like fishing you have to make more than one cast. 

What a day

The day started with a couple of conversations down at the park. Kadizzle has spoken with one fellow down there many times, and had him pegged as a reasonable person. That bubble broke when he said he would vote for Trump and then went on to say Doug had a good grasp of the economy. Next, a woman on a bike was resting nearby. She turned out to be normal and the conversation entirely shifted. The fog so many people are in with Trump is amazing. Read Charles M. Blow in the New York Times today, he nails it with Trump and the sycophants. 

What next? Winkie went to Scottsdale to the doctor, and Kadizzle gently entered into a kidney stone attack. Unable to decide what to do Kadizzle drove himself to the emergency room. As the nurse examined Kadizzle he stone pain subsided, but to get the information about blood in the urine took about three hours. So a large portion of the day was spent sitting at the hospital waiting. Seeing the rhythm of the emergency room was somewhat intriguing. Mostly old busted up people filled the chairs, but a few young people were suffering trauma. The place was very busy. Payson seems to have an excellent hospital. The people are great, but the building is old and poorly designed. 

Hopefully today will go better. One more thing. Read about Trump's crass language in his comments on his rat network. Unbelievable that the "good Christian man" uses such gutter language in public. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Normal People

Last night Kadizzle met with two normal people. The normal people meet about twice a week. A conversation with normal people is great. Normal people read real information, read decent books, and have a realistic world view. Very refreshing just to know there are normal people. 

On the other side of the coin are the insane Trump cult people, and the just plain paranoid crazy people. Kadizzle spent about 45 minutes talking to Doug yesterday. Doug is lost in a world of paranoid insanity. Everyone is plotting to take his money. Gloom, and doom are his bread and butter. Conspiracies abound. Now for the dinger. Doug is living a life the hard core Christian Nationalist, and Republicans would not approve of. Hitler would have had him shot for his sexual preferences. Who does Doug support? Of course, like every good nut case Doug likes Trump. Doug bitches about crooked people, yet wants the most crooked man ever in office to do it again. 

How can a person run their own business, and be successful, yet not see through the con man? Doesn't seem like a paradox to Doug. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Morning on the deck

The last couple of days have had wonderful mornings. The Kadizzles are fortunate to have a great view of the Rim. What is the rim? Well, it is the largest escarpment in the world over one hundred miles long. At least that is what a geologist said one day to students on our hill. Our neighborhood is filling up. Now we have three new homes with decks facing the rim. Sitting on the porch at sun rise seems popular in the neighborhood. 

A blessing is good neighbors. We live in a new development, and were almost the first to move in. Like weeds the new homes have grown. Mostly retired couples. One artist, a doctor, a policeman, and so on. All the homes are of the same style. Only one family with three little girls. That adds a nice sprinkle to the place. Dog walking is popular as are electric bikes, and those silly four wheeler gadgets to drive on the Forest Service roads. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Hoopleheads

 No one scares Kadizzle like the Hoopleheads. Hoopleheads soak up conspiracy theories like a sponge soaking up beer. The Hooples are not deep thinkers. Trump is just the ticket for the Hooples. Trump simplifies complex things into hate, fear, and lies. The Hooples love it. Normal people who sit back and think Hooples are not dangerous brought us Trump the first time. If you are a normal person, that understands gravity, logic, science, and reality, you better wake up. Sit on your hands one more time and the country is toast. Never underestimate stupid people. Germany did and look what the got. Most people don't know Hitler was elected. 

A normal person can quickly recognize Trump is mentally ill. A normal person knows Trump is a sleazy con man. Normal people know Trump is for Trump and no one else. The Hoopleheads on the other hand are immature dolts. The Hoopleheads see Trump as the kid in high school who says something smart to the teacher. The Hoopleheadds see Trump as a guy giving everyone the finger. Is that what you want for a president? Our system is a mess. The electoral college has take the vote away from normal people and given it to the Hooples. If you don't have the courage to speak up about Trump then prepare for the modern version of Hitler. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The finger or the thumb

My buddy Mike F. loves to stand on the street and fight Trump with a sign. Mike is 83 and Kadizzle does not like him to be alone. So yesterday before the Donut meeting we stood on the street with our signs. Kadizzle was supporting Harris.

The fun part are the thumbs up signs we get from passing motorist, and of course the nasty Trumpers that give us the finger. The process is a polling game. We all felt the thumbs up won yesterday, but seeing the nasty Trump people has some sort of message. Seeing a delusional cult person is scary. The cult people believe nonsense and apparently cannot recognize the con man for what a thieving rat he is. 

Hopefully the world is changing, but the number of cult people should be a concern to everyone. The cult people are devoid of logic. They live on emotion and poorly thought out theories. One president cannot change the course of economics or many things in a short time. The tide just does not change that fast. Cause and effect are something cult people do not grasp. Trump takes credit for things he had nothing to do with. Trump blames others for things they cannot control. Trump is a classic con man. A good con man plays on stupid people. Sadly Trump has proven there is an endless supply of idiots.  

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Today is Donut Day

 Jeff started Donuts with Democrats. The group will meet this morning at ten on Bonita street at Dem headquarters. The group has grown and the format is fun. Everyone gets to speak. The microphone is passed around the room. There is some good humor, some interesting ideas, and just plain good companionship. Everyone is welcome. Disgruntled Republicans have joined. 

The Donut Army is welcoming. Now, try going to a Tea Party Hooplehead meeting. The Republicans don't allow just anyone to speak. If you are not in the cult you are not going to talk to the group of cultist. Worse yet the Republicans have thugs at the door to weed our people who don't buy he party line. Now, if you do get into a cult meeting, and speak up they will throw you out or threaten to call he police. See the difference for yourself. When the Republicans have a meeting at the casino it is carefully arranged so no one but cult members can attend. There is no dissent allowed. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Normal People vs Cult People

For better or worse people get thrown in categories. Two categories Kadizzle uses are normal people and the cult people. Normal people live in reality, a world of facts, intelligence, history, and truth. On the other hand the cult people live in a world of lies, fantasy, conspiracy theories, and polluted with lies. 

Talking to cult people is interesting, but ultimately boring. Kadizzle prefers a good conversation with normal people. The cult people live in a world of fear, they love gun, and someone is always out to get them. Cult people imprison themselves with fear, paranoia, and delusion. Normal people do not live a life of gloom and doom. Joy is he word the Democrats are using. Trump does not sell joy. Trump has no friends, not even his wife likes him. Trump is a negative rat. On the other hand you have Harris full of energy and joy. 

Would you want to golf with Trump? He cheats at golf, he cheats on his wife, he cheats college students, and he cheats himself out of dignity and true friendships. 

Why do cults appeal to people? Cults and religion are one and the same. You get to believe whatever you want. You get to leave the world of reality and live in a make believe world. Religion invented hell, cult people invented Trump. Why do these people want to invent terrible things and people?

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Payson will get a pool

A neighbor was not pleased that Kadizzle referred to the gang of the Three stooges as Luddites. Payson is infested with a group of far right Trump style idiots. Yesterday there was a special meeting for the town council to decide if Payson would go ahead with a bond issue to improve the town including a new pool complex. As one commenter pointed out the bond would cost each resident about two dollars a month. Wait, it is less than that. Payson has a tax that hits the tourist passing through town. The tourist pay about half the tax. So we can get a pool for less than two dollars a month? Yep. 

Now, back to the neighbor. The neighbor just bought an RV that sells for close to a half million. Behind that RV they will pull a new vehicle that ran over 60k. This person was upset saying they objected to a tax of less than two dollars a month. Payson does not now have a pool. A town of 16,000 and the kids cannot learn to swim. 

The Three Stooges were elected to town council by one vote. The vote took place in the primary. The independents did not understand how to vote. Steve Otto will be he Mayor. Otto is a total nut case. Kadizzle asked to talk to him about his lying, and he said it was an assault. This supposed assault took place in the presence of at least 12 people who could verify Kadizzle simply asked to speak to him. 

The meeting went on for over three hours. Experts in law, and bond sales explained things to the Luddites, yet they insisted on believing the cult version of reality. Our town will experience a tsunami of chaos when these mini Trumpers sit on he council. 

The pool vote passed  with  a 6 to one vote. When the three stooges take over the sane council members will be in the minority. Payson is in for a ride. Failure to vote will have a price to pay. If this happens and Trump becomes president we are toast. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Michele Obama put Trump in a meat grinder

 Michele Obama cut the Trump rat to shreds with her speech last night. Kadizzle read it in the NYT. Wish had seen it live. OK, this is a command, you must read he article. No one has so concisely described the rat. 

Back in saddle. Nice to be back in Payson. You can have every big city, the East coast, and everything East of the Mississippi. Maine was nice, and the food did a nuclear blast to the scale, but the crowed highways, and throngs of people are too much.

Back in Arizona Kadizzle realized the virtue of he West. You can see. In New York, Main, and just about every eastern state the sight distance is often only a couple hundred feet with the forest lining the roads. In the west from our deck thirty miles we can see. Wide open vistas. Secondly is variety. The west has it, the east is damn near the same form north to south. 

So we just spent ten days with out little grandchildren. They are both intelligent little beings, but a handful to deal with at times. Quinn my precious little boy has endless energy, and imagination. Quinn wore grandpa down in no time. Evie and Quinn both are products of their mom a professional artist and designer. The two little bums have art talents well beyond their age. Evie is a math wizard for seven years old. 

Slowing down the pace back in Payson feels good. Now the real enemy is the scale. Kadizzle stepped onto the devil platform and was shocked how quick the tonnage piled up. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Back to New York

 After a long car ride we are back in New York. The schooner sail was the last highlight. For a sailor it was educational. The boat handled much easier than Kadizzle would have expected. Tacking was easy.

Our country is a mess.Too many people have too little. The greedy have raped the working class. Trump will only make it worse. Tomorrow we head back to Payson. You can have the East. Too crowded, too overcast, but good Democrats.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Portland Maine

 Just finished the maritime museum. Very nice. Now in a ritzy hotel,  of our budget. Need a shower and a rest. Like the west better. A bike tour gave us all the leftovers, lobster and very nice food. Hiking in the estuary new and interesting. Grandchildren been pretty good. Evil a math genius for her age. Two days in Portland. The transition from the pop up camper to a luxury hotel is welcome. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

In Bar Harbor Main

 With grandchildren in Main. Hiking and eating.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The zoo

 Kadizzle went to the Bronx Zoo. Amazing animals. Size of the zoo amazing. Variety of people as big as variety of Animals.

  Pleased with Harris kicking Trumps ass. 

 Do not have regular laptop. Typing slow.

Short reports.

In New York

 Left AZ at 3 AM made it to NY by 8PM . Having fun with my grandchildren. Will explore Maim

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Hope springs eternal

Harris can defeat the rats, and Waltz is just icing on the cake. Trump, Vance, Elon Musk, and all the Republican rats may get the drumming they deserve. Energy is flowing for the Democrats, and it can be turned into a sunrise. Trump has been an evil plague on the world, and if you are a decent human you will help rid us of the Trump rat, and his gang of greed driven buddies. 

Women, young people, and minorities will be the key. Those are the people the rats are stepping on. If only they will light a fire under thier ass and get in gear the rat can be removed from our reality. 

The cult is like religion, facts, reality, and normal intelligence just does not work on the cult people. They believe.  Believing in fantasy, superstition, and scary tales is what the cult is into. The cult people never became adults. Their bodies got bigger, but they have the mind of children. Children love scary stories, and so do cult members. Trump knows how to lie to the cult. J. D. Vance is just a juiced up Trump, one more Republican liar. 

We are better than this. Do your part talk to people. The country can be saved. Our way of life can be saved and improved. Why let Trump sink the ship just to give the rich more? 

Monday, August 05, 2024

Green Valley Park in Payson | Drone Zone

This is the lake down below our house. We pass it everyday going anywhere. Very nice. 

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Blood draining from the nose at 3:oo A. M.

Here old Kadizzle sits at three in the morning. For some unknown reason blood decided to leave the body from the nose. This created a crisis Mrs. Kadizzle had to clean up. Blood on the carpet. Why did this happen, who knows. So what do you write about at this time of day?

Reading the NYT is mandatory. A story there tells about the friendship between Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. An interesting part of the story was how Buffett never really got enthralled with wealth. On the other hand Bill Gates had to have the big house, cars, and so on. 

If anyone destroys our country it will be the rich. Greed is more dangerous than nuclear energy. Rats like Elon Musk prove the point. Trump and his cult prove the point. Taxing the rich is the only solution, and Republicans are about nothing but saving the rich from taxes.  

Saturday, August 03, 2024

The Trump train got derailed.

Life has strange twist. The local Hoopleheads lined up their idiots and paraded them down highway 87. Maybe four or five Hoople wagons showed up for he "Trump train".  It was a feeble showing for he simple minded. After all how many people want to go public with their stupidity. 

Now for the good news. It turned out the Hoopleheads were going to do there demo at noon. This turned out to be perfect. The Donuts with Democrats is done at noon. A little pep talk got the Democrats to turn out about 15 people with anti Trump signs to stand at the intersection near Democratic headquarters. Some of the Dems were protesting for the first time. The Dems got out there very early way before the great Trump train appeared. Traffic was heavy and a lot more people were exposed to the good message of he dems than the sad people who support the dictator. The cult came by, it was fun. 

The cult ended the Trump parade at the Green Valley park where they held an idiots convention. Again very few idiots showed up. Kadizzle went by to see how many idiots they could gather. As Kadizzle pulled up to the site two hillbilly looking Trump dolts were holding up an American flag that said F**ck Trump. The woman was about two ax handles across the ass and had on a strange T shirt. The T shirt said " I am voting for a felon".  She posed so Kadizzle could take a picture. Strangely they seemed to be embarrassed about the flag and folded it rather than let Kadizzle take a picture. 



 KKKMOG is the local right wing radio station. Even though the station spent hours promoting Nazi like Republicans for office it could have been worse. The Hoopleheads will make a mess of town council. However, there is hope the normal members of the council can hold back the tide of idiocy.  Kadizzle is trying to get the local businesses to boycott the station with advertising. 

What is so bad about KKKMOG? The right wing voice that abuses the FCC mandate simply hangs up when anyone challenges the lies or paranoid stories of the Hoopleheads. Of course the host calls Democrats Marxist, communist, and other abusive names. 

KKKMOG drums up the border situation. An invasion of rapist and drug dealers is their version. No sympathy for mothers with children in their arms seeking a better life. 

KKKMOG is going to put the right wing spin on everything. Of course they also want to help the planet burn. Climate change is a liberal conspiracy. KKKMOG takes the lead from Fox News.  

The worst of the worst are promoted on KKKMOG. Steve Slaton was on for hours defending his lies about his military service. Thank you Jesus he was defeated. Then. you had Wendy Rodgers, she is the local lunatic. The goofy guy for sheriff also was defeated, another thank you Jesus. 

The really bad news is Steve Otto. This lying scum was elected because the independents did not understand how to vote. Steve Otto will be the mayor. The troglodyte wants the town to go back to the stone age.  Steve would show up at town council meetings and tell the town they were hiding  50 million dollars in some drawer.  Now that Steve is mayor he. will have to pull out the fifty million. 

Friday, August 02, 2024

The Trump Train. Imagine a parade of idiots

Saturday at noon the most hard corps idiots  will line up and parade down the main streets of town. Imagine declaring yourself an idiot and making sure everyone in town knows it. The cult will expose it's followers for all to see. This will be an amazing event for Payson. First hand you will get to know who is actually a dolt. One of the nicest things about Trump idiots is there willingness to let you know they are not too bright, watch Fox News, and will believe anything. 

Get out there and see who the dolts are. What is a Hooplehead? Well if you want to see the animal alive marching down the street this is your chance. Who falls for every scam? Who buys the 19.99 crap? Who loves conspiracy theories? Just stand there and watch the idiots parade. 

Now you want the scary part? As the Hoopleheads, and idiots go buy see if you can spot Steve Otto and some of the other sorrowful fools who just got elected to town council. Yup, you sat on your ass and now the same idiots marching for Trump will do their best to F**ck up your town. If you voted for them get in the parade.

Such is life

Just got a note from a guy who gave up on Kadizzle, don't blame him. Kadizzle writes this crap just as mental therapy. Might not read it myself. Who cares? What appears here is just the morning musing of an old guy waiting to die. The mind is like a plant or a machine, it needs water, and when you run the machine you circulate the oil. Now, the strange part is who does check this mess out? Lately over 300 people a day seem to be looking in. More than likely a lot of people run into this crap accidently. Strangely far more people from other countries see this blog. Kadizzle suspects there are some A I type things that automatically check things. Who knows. Anyway if you are a person that looks at this nonsense, make a comment. Kadizzle would like to know why and of what value this is to anyone. 

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Working people are generous, and wonderful.

Our bedroom window is large and so high off the ground it is impossible to clean. So old Kadizzle went next door and offered the painters five dollars to use their tall ladder. Nope, they would not take the money, but offered the ladder. Over and over Kadizzle has found tradesmen to be very generous and helpful. Then you have the greedy billionairs who live the life of ease. They will not help anyone but a devil like Trump who will give them a tax break. Cannot count the number of times some humble working man has been kind.  

NO Clue

 To a large degree, Kadizzle has no idea who reads this stuff. If you are willing to admit you do make a comment, or email me Now for the important part. My buddy Mike F. wants to hold up protest signs when the Republicans have an idiots parade on Saturday. If you are interested let me know. Mike is 82, and has been approached by Republicans with guns in the past. He should not be doing this alone. The Republicans are calling it a Trump train or something like that. If you can help that would be great. 

The World we live in

Normal people exist. Kadizzle has two friends he meets with that are normal. How many people are normal? What is normal? If you consider voting for Trump or you actually would, you are not normal. Normal people live in reality, and don't buy into every paranoid conspiracy that comes down the road. What percent of people are normal? That is a hard scary question to answer, but it may be as low as 20%. If you believe things that just plain don't make sense you are not normal.  

Abnormal people elected Hitler. That is what abnormal people can do. Abnormal people could easily elect Trump. This puts normal people in a scary world. If an alien was above Earth looking down they would conclude there were a lot of abnormal people. Look how we have abused the planet, look at the silly wars, look at the pollution, on it goes. History is a struggle of knowledge against stupidity, religion, and greed. There have been ups and downs. Perhaps we are on the verge of a big down. The election in the fall will be a national IQ test. We may fail.  Payson just took the test and failed. Now the normal people on the town council will be opposed by the cult.