Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Will the country survive?

Sorry folks, but Biden needs to pack it up and head to the nursing home. Kadizzle admires Biden, and believes he has done a fantastic job, but you have to sell sizzle to the num nuts to get them to vote correctly. Trump will win if he can get enough low power people. Low power people are emotional, not intellectual. Trump regardless of being a terrible con man is entertaining. Dolts want to be entertained, not educated. The dolts will swing the election. Younger dolts will be crucial. 

Stupid people can be tricked into anything, and Trump knows that. Any minority or poor person that would vote for Trump is a fool, and those fools will be crucial. There are a lot of simple dingers, and sadly the Democrats need to recruit the simple dingers. Simple people buy shiny.  Old is not shiny, young  is.  Trump is not shiny, but he makes a lot of noise. Young people like noise. Biden does not make much noise. Look at the goomers that drive loud noisy vehicles. There brains are small and all they want is a loud noise. Trump is a dolt, and that is why he appeals to dolts. A young Democrat can appeal to the young. If the young, and minorities are lost, the country is lost. 

Look at the insanity of black people supporting Trump? Look at the insanity of the teamsters union endorsing Trump? Houston, we got a big problem. This is an age of image, and miniscule thinking. The house is going to burn down, and Democrats are supplying the gas. 


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