Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hoopleheads on KMOG

KMOG radio is the Fox News of Payson, AZ.  Lying is the bedrock for KMOG. Today the Hoopleheads, Charlie Bell, and the Steve Otto gang are on KMOG promising pie and ice cream. One big problem they hate taxes. So you get pie and ice cream, but no way to pay for it. The people who sell pie and ice cream want paid. 

The current town council is the best we have had in a long time. The mayor and the town council have a plan, they have good people, and they are hard working honest people. On the other hand you have simple dingers. Charlie Bell is on the radio saying he supports education, then he tells how he has two kids who dropped out of school, hmmm?

Anyone can be a negative dinger, and the Hoopleheads in town love Trump and negative hopeless talk that accomplishes nothing. Now if Kadizzle calls up KMOG and ask how the economy is so bad when the indicators say it isn't they hang up.  

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