Tuesday, July 09, 2024

What about the heat?

We moved from Hazen, ND to Payson, AZ.  Summers in ND are hard to beat, but not that bad in Payson. It is all about the winters. Payson is usually about ten to fifteen degrees cooler than Phoenix. That means it was 114 in Phoenix and 100 in Payson. At over five thousand feet Payson has a very dry heat. This means water evaporates quickly. Kadizzle can sit on the deck and soak himself with a cool rag and be pretty comfortable at 100.  The nights cool down pretty good. 

The big difference between the two places of course is the terrian. In any direction things are vastly different in Payson. Not so in North Dakota, everything is exactly the same for hundreds of miles. In Payson you can go up and down three thousand feet with no problem. Back in the Dakotas a change like that would be an eight hour drive. 

So we are in the thick of a political mess. Biden needs to take his walker and walk home. Biden is a great man and has done great things, but we cannot take a chance on letting the orange snollygoster become the dictator he wants to be. 

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