Saturday, July 27, 2024

Awakening from the dead

Getting this lump of a body running in the morning is like starting a large diesel on a cold winter day. Coffee is very important. If Winky has the coffee made it is a blessing. Just getting the bolder out of bed is a task. Kadizzle rises amazed that he is even alive after dreaming vivid dreams that exhaust the brain. Meanwhile Winky has jumped out of bed like a frog and god bless her she has made the coffee. The lumbering rock makes it to the table to drink coffee and check the New York Times. At some point a trip to the executives sweet where the toilet paper roll is empty. Maybe the lump can make it to the deck to sit in the sunshine and take in the view of the mountains. The humming bird will no doubt be going nuts. 

Today is Donuts with Democrats day. It will be a great gathering of people determined to wipe out the Republican virus that has infected the Hoopleheads. 

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