Sunday, July 28, 2024

Talking to a cult member

The Donuts with Democrats meeting had a great turn out. In the back of the room a younger guy stood by the door. As the microphone got passed around it finally came to him. He turned out to be a Trumper. Imagine a Trumper in a room full of rabid Democrats. The fellow criticised the group for being hateful and launched into an anti abortion rant. The group was polite and a few challenges poked up including Kadizzle. 

Kadizzle later went outside with the guy to try to have a rational conversation. His rhetoric lacked any logic at all. He said he would vote for Trump even though Trump was a worthless con man felon. It was not Trump he would vote for, but what Trump represented. Kadizzle put some logic bombs on the fellow. Logic did not phase him. Kadizzle realized he was talking to a brick and it was hopeless. Kadizzle tried to explain to the man he did not have the mental capacity to carry on an intelligent conversation. Kadizzle outright told him " I cannot respect your intellect if you intend to vote for Trump". The guy said " Are you calling me stupid?".  The answer was yes. He said he had to end the conversation because Kadizzle did not respect him.  Kadizzle tried to explain he respects all humans, but he does not respect this particular humans ability to reason. 

When a person devoid of logic gets cornered the response if usually the same,  run.  That is what this guy did. No more talking. The experience is like talking to a religious person. There is no logic, you just believe. 

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