Sunday, July 14, 2024

Hooplehead suggest someone kill Kadizzle

A simple minded Hooplehead suggested on facebook that someone should shoot Kadizzle. The neighbor lady came over and said her daughter saw post on some facebook group where the Hooples suggested Kadizzle be killed. This was all stirred up by Trump getting his ear blown off by a Republican shooter. 

Kadizzle was able to get the name of the dinger and asked the police to check him out. Maybe the dingers will see gun control differently. What happens when you make sure every deranged person has access to guns? 

It will be interesting to see the reaction of the dingers. In the cult surely some of the nuts will come off the bolts. 

At the donuts meeting there was a lot of talk about the 2025 plan of the Republicans to destroy the country. The cult sees no real problem with a dictatorship. 

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