Monday, July 29, 2024

Snake oil salesman

No one sells thin air and snake oil like the Trumpster. The sinful rat sells Jesus to the simple minded religious people. Satan himself selling fools his bid for president. Trump will lie to anyone with the lie they prefer. Cult members simply do not read anything dealing with reality. That is no fun. The shear ocean of idiots is scary. The TV preachers are like Trump raping the fools. Harvesting idiots is so easy. Ask them what they want to hear and then tell them exactly how you will support their insane fantasy. Children at bed time wanting a story. 

Little children love to be scared, so do idiots. Trump knows a scary story about the border is always a good opener. The simple minded don't notice Trump's best buddies are Putin, and all the other dictators. 

The real enemy are the people who don't read, don't think, and see educations as a virus. We got em. The United States now ranks 28th in the world in education. Our home schools, and religious schools are turning out idiots at record rates. 

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