Friday, July 05, 2024

The stupidity epidemic

 Covid was do da, compared to the plague of stupidity we are living with. Yesterday Kadizzle engaged two, and then three young people in a conversation about guns. Two simple minded dingers about 18 years old were marching around the 4th of July set up at Green Valley Park with a flag supporting the second amendment. As Kadizzle was blasting them about their gun nonsense a third dinger joined in. Dinger number three said he was a 22 year old Marine. The logic of the dingers and their understanding of gun statistics was mind boggling. Because of their age they could not yet carry a gun, however they assured Kadizzle that as soon as they were old enough they would have guns and " protect people".  They were going to shoot bad guys with guns to protect the good guys. The one young dinger was proud he dropped out of high school. The other dinger was full of religion. Kadizzle asked the religious dinger if Jesus would have carried a gun. Dinger said the disciples carried knives or swords. 

OK, different subject. Need a good laugh? Check out the video in the New York times today of some British reporter explaining the election in Britain.  For some strange reason the entire world is falling into the Trump type nonsense. The rich have scammed every country and disaster is on the horizon worldwide. It has come down to normal people and Trump cult style people. Logic and reason don't stand a chance against the cult. The cult is just like religion, it makes no sense, you just believe, because it is easy. 

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