Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Venting a disaster

Kadizzle sits here with high blood pressure. The Payson election is a disaster. It appears perhaps three simple minded, lying Hoopleheads may have been elected. Steve Otto who is one of the worst lying dolts you can imagine appears to have been elected mayor. The havoc these Hooples will excrete on Payson is a complete caveman move. 

One of the best current town council members was defeated. How did this all happen? KKKMOG radio daily promotes hate, fear, lying, and conspiracy theories to the Hoopleheads. If the election results are correct the intelligent people did not get out and vote. 

Want something really frightening? What if this happens in the fall? What if Hoopleheads vote Trump into office? Right now it looks like all progress for Payson, Arizona will come to a stop. 

Kadizzle has a hat that says " Make lying wrong again".  The local Hooples hat says " Make lying work again".  The most disturbing thing about the Hooples that got elected is KKKMOG allows them to lie unfettered, and they do. The Hooples soak up the lies and vote. 

Meanwhile the good people say " Oh I don't need to do anything, that will never happen".  Well it happened. 

Payson was moving forward at a wonderful pace. The future looked bright now the Republican Nazis will do all in their power to take the town backwards. 

Thinking about the damage these dolts will do to the town, think of the school system. In the fall if the same Hooples don't fund the schools it is toast for education in this town. 

Walking among mental zombies. Look at Trump and Vance, two mentally ill, nasty, people appealing to the worst in humanity. This is the United States 2024. What have we become?

Monday, July 29, 2024


The Kadizzles have not lived in our new home for three years yet. The neighbor lady just assured Kadizzle she had someone who would buy our home for at least $300,000 more than we paid for it. Really?Tempting, but Winky wants no part of it. Hmm, maybe Kadizzle would move back to the hills and live like a king.  

Snake oil salesman

No one sells thin air and snake oil like the Trumpster. The sinful rat sells Jesus to the simple minded religious people. Satan himself selling fools his bid for president. Trump will lie to anyone with the lie they prefer. Cult members simply do not read anything dealing with reality. That is no fun. The shear ocean of idiots is scary. The TV preachers are like Trump raping the fools. Harvesting idiots is so easy. Ask them what they want to hear and then tell them exactly how you will support their insane fantasy. Children at bed time wanting a story. 

Little children love to be scared, so do idiots. Trump knows a scary story about the border is always a good opener. The simple minded don't notice Trump's best buddies are Putin, and all the other dictators. 

The real enemy are the people who don't read, don't think, and see educations as a virus. We got em. The United States now ranks 28th in the world in education. Our home schools, and religious schools are turning out idiots at record rates. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Talking to a cult member

The Donuts with Democrats meeting had a great turn out. In the back of the room a younger guy stood by the door. As the microphone got passed around it finally came to him. He turned out to be a Trumper. Imagine a Trumper in a room full of rabid Democrats. The fellow criticised the group for being hateful and launched into an anti abortion rant. The group was polite and a few challenges poked up including Kadizzle. 

Kadizzle later went outside with the guy to try to have a rational conversation. His rhetoric lacked any logic at all. He said he would vote for Trump even though Trump was a worthless con man felon. It was not Trump he would vote for, but what Trump represented. Kadizzle put some logic bombs on the fellow. Logic did not phase him. Kadizzle realized he was talking to a brick and it was hopeless. Kadizzle tried to explain to the man he did not have the mental capacity to carry on an intelligent conversation. Kadizzle outright told him " I cannot respect your intellect if you intend to vote for Trump". The guy said " Are you calling me stupid?".  The answer was yes. He said he had to end the conversation because Kadizzle did not respect him.  Kadizzle tried to explain he respects all humans, but he does not respect this particular humans ability to reason. 

When a person devoid of logic gets cornered the response if usually the same,  run.  That is what this guy did. No more talking. The experience is like talking to a religious person. There is no logic, you just believe. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Awakening from the dead

Getting this lump of a body running in the morning is like starting a large diesel on a cold winter day. Coffee is very important. If Winky has the coffee made it is a blessing. Just getting the bolder out of bed is a task. Kadizzle rises amazed that he is even alive after dreaming vivid dreams that exhaust the brain. Meanwhile Winky has jumped out of bed like a frog and god bless her she has made the coffee. The lumbering rock makes it to the table to drink coffee and check the New York Times. At some point a trip to the executives sweet where the toilet paper roll is empty. Maybe the lump can make it to the deck to sit in the sunshine and take in the view of the mountains. The humming bird will no doubt be going nuts. 

Today is Donuts with Democrats day. It will be a great gathering of people determined to wipe out the Republican virus that has infected the Hoopleheads. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Insane mission (check the video below)

Jim and Mike do their own volunteer work for the Sierra Club. These two guys in their mid 70s love to clear trails in the Sierra Ancha mountains. Somehow Winky got hooked up with them and Kadizzle got forced into service. So on several occasions we have gone with them to do trail work. Yesterday we met them at the road leading up to the trail. The road is a disaster, and we ride up to the trial in Jim's 1983 bolt wagon Ford Bronco which is held together with hope and rust. If you took the right ingredients on the ride up to the trailhead you could turn milk into butter from the ride. Kadizzle always wanted to get on the upper side of the steep canyons that host spectacular ruins on Cherry Creed. This trail took us there. The mission was crazy. Jim was obsessed with cutting a path through a huge rotten log. To do this task we had to use a very large buck saw. The Forest Service will not allow chain saws in the wilderness. Four old goats hiked down two miles in very dense brush, then back up. 

A highlight of the hike was a nice spotting of a rattlesnake. Kadizzle Must have walked very close to the snake without seeing it. Jim was behind Kadizzle and saw the snake coiled up. The coloration of the rattlesnake was very bright. Got some pictures, but the snake is very hard to see. 

Cutting the log was a very difficult task. The log was almost four feet in diameter, rotten, and very heavy. Between cutting and prying away the rot it took us well over an hour to cut the log. 

How many times have people hiked and failed to realize what work goes into clearing trails? It is an endless task. The brush grows so quickly. 

Trail Work

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Get with the Program

Trump can be defeated, must be defeated, and you need to get off your ass and help. Talk, it is free, write, it is free. Talk to every person you meet about how Trump wants to become dictator and destroy the country. Hitler was elected because good people did nothing. They thought it could not happen, well it did. Trump is every bit as bad as Hitler, just give him a chance. Greedy right wing rich people want Trump. If you have kids and you love them you owe it to them to speak up. Quit being nice to the Hoopleheads. If Trump is elected the Hoopleheads will starve, and be some of the first to be hit by his greed machine. The Hoopleheads are like children, you need to protect them from themselves. Wake up, smell the Trump rot. Do you want to be alive next year with a mentally ill mad man playing golf and destroying the country in his spare time?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Praise be unto Jeeeesus

 Biden stepped aside, it was a good move. Maybe too late, but better than never. Young people need young people, and we need a woman to save women. Trump is an old nasty lying goat. We do no need a decrepit cult leader, and con man. Read the NYT about how Trump is lying more than ever. 

Who could support the con man? Put on a MAGA hat and let the worship continue. Hope, hope is coming. The choice is so clear now. The contrast is perfect. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Does Reality Matter?

A friend is building a new expensive house nearby. His brain spins like a top with crazy right wing new reports. Speaking with him yesterday he was convinced illegal immigrants each get $7,000 a month from the U.S. government. This conversation was taking place while we were in his new home under construction. Working in his home happened to be a young guy of Mexican heritage. Kadizzle went over to the young guy and asked him if he knew of any illegals getting $7,000 a month. Of course he said no. Made no difference, neighbor still knew for sure the crazy urban legend was true. Crazy stories are like viruses they spread well. 

Another crazy report was that China, Mexico, and other countries have apps on the internet to help illegals get into the country. This no doubt is another twist on reality. The way these stories work is you take a small truth and spin it like crazy. The whole conversation reminds Kadizzle of the time in North Dakota he heard Hoopleheads talking about how the Northern Lights were the reflection of the sun off the ice.  For stupid people a simple explanation always works best. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

What to say. Is there anythiung else I can do to help?

Phone calls with service people end by the person saying " Is there anything else I can do to help?".  Yes, you can vote for a woman, a democrat or anyone who is not a Republican. Remember they asks you so you have every right to answer. Democrats are whimps and lose because they are shy. Republicans are mean aggressive dingers like Trump. Simple minded people like loud noises, and admire aggressive idiots like Trump. Unfortunately that means Democrats need to be more forward and speak up, otherwise the Trump dictatorship will move forward and the country will sink into a religious dictatorship. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Solar on the roof

In less than four hours we got solar power on our new home. Was it a good decision? Time will tell. Old Kadizzle bought into the sales pitch too quickly. We don't actually own the equipment, we are sort of leasing it. The company wanted to put 11 panels on the garage, Kadizzle thought why not an even 12. You get to bank the excess power, so one more panel would let us save up for winter. We will pay something like $109 per month. In a sense we will not pay that because that much of the electric bill will be gone. The trick will be to use less than the cost per month. 

We get to bank the excess. Hopefully in the end it will pay off. Winky says we win anyway for doing our part for the climate problem.  

Saturday, July 20, 2024

A new world is emerging

Kadizzle can remember the bizarre world of the Krisna people when they built a kingdom in the hills of West Virginia, near the place Kadizzle grew up. The insanity festered. Here we go again on a humongous scale. Trump's cult is going to make it to the White House. These cults spring up like weeds. The Mormon cult is still alive. To see the United States with an insane cult leader is going to be mind boggling. How can this happen? The combination of stupidity, Trump, and Fox News, a loser's cocktail. 

Once the Trump dictatorship is in place the chaos machine will grind away at life as we know it. The supreme court is already populated with Trump lickspittles. Education just confuses people is the new national motto. Downhill with no brakes. Trump will golf while his minions destroy the country. A store is already selling ammunition in vending machines. What next? 

Look around you at the tattooed warriors. We have become tribal. Look at modern girls with bones in their noses. We are resorting to a savage mindset. People with supposedly functioning minds wander around in a daze. We have drugged ourselves on stupidity. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

I don't have an once of respect for you

 If you support Trump in any manner, shape, or form Kadizzle has not an once of respect for you. You are the victim of mental illness, stupidity, or delusion. No apologies. A mind functioning even mildly could not embrace the orange plague. How could any human abandon reality, logic, decency, morality, and humanity to side with Trump?Only the most greed driven fool would embrace the lying con man. 

Never has our way of life been in more peril. Looking at a Trump supporter is looking at a human with no humanity. The Republican convention was truly a rat pack. 

How does it happen? How could people who recognized the rat for what he is turn around and help him sell his lies?

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Normal People.

A patriot in our Donuts with Democrats group formed a negotiation group with the Hoopleheads. Every Wednesday the Normal People meet with the Hooples to try to find common ground. Yesterday no Hooples showed up but five normals did. Without the Hooples it was still a great meeting. The discussion ranged over a lot of topics. 

Not sure why the Hooples did not attend. The Hooples get very nervous when they encounter Normals. When confronted with reality and facts the cult people get very nervous. The normal response is to walk away or in this case just do not show up. 

One attendee at the meeting was a former evangelical minister and policeman. Kadizzle asked him how he made the conversion to being a Normal person. His response was very interesting. Primarily he observed he hypocrisy of those in the cults and his brain kicked in. It seemed a big part of his conversion was seeing he way the religious and cults treated minorities and those with different sexual orientations. 

When the cult causes problems for your own children, or for that matter the fundamentalist you get caught in an awkward place. Either you become fully conscious or you abandon your loved ones. It goes both ways. The cult has a strong pull. In the cult you abandon rational thinking. The cult is just like a drug. You get to mess your mind up free by simply believing in Trump, or a mean Jesus. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company [Official Music Video]

Will the country survive?

Sorry folks, but Biden needs to pack it up and head to the nursing home. Kadizzle admires Biden, and believes he has done a fantastic job, but you have to sell sizzle to the num nuts to get them to vote correctly. Trump will win if he can get enough low power people. Low power people are emotional, not intellectual. Trump regardless of being a terrible con man is entertaining. Dolts want to be entertained, not educated. The dolts will swing the election. Younger dolts will be crucial. 

Stupid people can be tricked into anything, and Trump knows that. Any minority or poor person that would vote for Trump is a fool, and those fools will be crucial. There are a lot of simple dingers, and sadly the Democrats need to recruit the simple dingers. Simple people buy shiny.  Old is not shiny, young  is.  Trump is not shiny, but he makes a lot of noise. Young people like noise. Biden does not make much noise. Look at the goomers that drive loud noisy vehicles. There brains are small and all they want is a loud noise. Trump is a dolt, and that is why he appeals to dolts. A young Democrat can appeal to the young. If the young, and minorities are lost, the country is lost. 

Look at the insanity of black people supporting Trump? Look at the insanity of the teamsters union endorsing Trump? Houston, we got a big problem. This is an age of image, and miniscule thinking. The house is going to burn down, and Democrats are supplying the gas. 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Republicans Thrive on Fear


Selling fear is easy, and nowhere is this more evident than in the strategies employed by the Republican Party and the insurance industry. Both thrive on selling fear, exploiting our emotions to further their agendas and increase their profits. The real danger they warn us about is often far less than what they make it out to be, yet the net result is clear: they make money, gain power, and manipulate the public.

Take insurance companies, for example. They bombard us with messages about potential disasters and the necessity of being prepared for the worst. While it's prudent to have some level of coverage, the reality is that the likelihood of many of these catastrophes occurring is relatively low. But fear sells policies, and the insurance companies laugh all the way to the bank.

Similarly, the Republican Party uses fear as a potent political tool. They stir up anxiety about immigrants, painting them as invaders threatening our way of life. They sow doubt and fear about the economy, despite evidence to the contrary. Fear works because it bypasses intellectual reasoning and goes straight to our emotional core. Politicians know this, and they exploit it to manipulate the electorate.

The human mind has two major inputs: intellectual and emotional. While appealing to intellect requires presenting facts and engaging in reasoned debate, appealing to emotion is much simpler and more effective. Scare people, particularly those who are poorly educated or misinformed, and offer them a convenient scapegoat or a comforting lie. Immigrants are the problem, not economic policies or systemic issues. Climate change is a hoax, not a scientifically supported reality. 

Manipulating the poorly informed and uneducated has been a recurring theme throughout history. The Republican Party's current playbook is no different. By playing on ignorance and paranoid fears, they distract from the real issues and prevent meaningful progress.

It’s crucial that we, as a society, strive to educate ourselves and each other. We must question the narratives fed to us by those who stand to gain from our fear. Only by doing so can we begin to break free from the cycle of manipulation and work towards a more informed and rational public discourse.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Texas Buzz Cackler

Should have made a video of the Texas Buzz Cackler. Mike called Kadizzle and said there would be the regular gathering under the willow tree at the lake. After a pleasant hard downpour the lakeside gathering was nice. A bunch of old goats sit by the lake and cackle. At some point a barrel shaped woman with a baseball cap and glass decided to tell the story of a huge bull elk in her yard. Apparently the bull elk was suffering from the heat, and panting while resting. The Buzz Cackler got a bucket of water, two carrots, and an apple for. the elk. Apparently Mr. Elk had eaten much of her yard plants. The elk was so tame she petted him on the nose. Over and over the Buzz Cackler said how big the rack was on the elk. 

Now the important part of this story is the presentation. To hear an old lady from Texas tell the tale was a pleasure. At first Kadizzle guessed he was listening to an old hillbilly. There is a special way a good southern buzz cackler tells a story. They have an accent, move their hands, their eyes light up, and the whole thing is a special act. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Hooplehead suggest someone kill Kadizzle

A simple minded Hooplehead suggested on facebook that someone should shoot Kadizzle. The neighbor lady came over and said her daughter saw post on some facebook group where the Hooples suggested Kadizzle be killed. This was all stirred up by Trump getting his ear blown off by a Republican shooter. 

Kadizzle was able to get the name of the dinger and asked the police to check him out. Maybe the dingers will see gun control differently. What happens when you make sure every deranged person has access to guns? 

It will be interesting to see the reaction of the dingers. In the cult surely some of the nuts will come off the bolts. 

At the donuts meeting there was a lot of talk about the 2025 plan of the Republicans to destroy the country. The cult sees no real problem with a dictatorship. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024


What about the good guys with guns that are going to protect us? Trump got shot in the ear. Will he be able to hear his own lies? The donut meeting went well the momentum is building. A lot of good comments at the donut meeting. Most favor Biden staying in. A few brave, including Kadizzle think Biden needs to cash out. 

 Winky doesn't like the Javelina that has been mud bathing in our back yard. Kadizzle enjoys watching the fellow take his mud bath. The wildlife here is a bonus. The coyotes come in the yard. One has a white back. The elk are my favorite. When the huge elk come by it is a treat. 

Kadizzle is so worried about Trump. What if his wound get's infected and he dies? Imagine a country with no threat from a fascist. To see a rotten lying scoundrel wounded. So sad. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hoopleheads on KMOG

KMOG radio is the Fox News of Payson, AZ.  Lying is the bedrock for KMOG. Today the Hoopleheads, Charlie Bell, and the Steve Otto gang are on KMOG promising pie and ice cream. One big problem they hate taxes. So you get pie and ice cream, but no way to pay for it. The people who sell pie and ice cream want paid. 

The current town council is the best we have had in a long time. The mayor and the town council have a plan, they have good people, and they are hard working honest people. On the other hand you have simple dingers. Charlie Bell is on the radio saying he supports education, then he tells how he has two kids who dropped out of school, hmmm?

Anyone can be a negative dinger, and the Hoopleheads in town love Trump and negative hopeless talk that accomplishes nothing. Now if Kadizzle calls up KMOG and ask how the economy is so bad when the indicators say it isn't they hang up.  

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

The Eagles - Hotel California - Reimagined on the Traditional Chinese Gu... You better listen

What about the heat?

We moved from Hazen, ND to Payson, AZ.  Summers in ND are hard to beat, but not that bad in Payson. It is all about the winters. Payson is usually about ten to fifteen degrees cooler than Phoenix. That means it was 114 in Phoenix and 100 in Payson. At over five thousand feet Payson has a very dry heat. This means water evaporates quickly. Kadizzle can sit on the deck and soak himself with a cool rag and be pretty comfortable at 100.  The nights cool down pretty good. 

The big difference between the two places of course is the terrian. In any direction things are vastly different in Payson. Not so in North Dakota, everything is exactly the same for hundreds of miles. In Payson you can go up and down three thousand feet with no problem. Back in the Dakotas a change like that would be an eight hour drive. 

So we are in the thick of a political mess. Biden needs to take his walker and walk home. Biden is a great man and has done great things, but we cannot take a chance on letting the orange snollygoster become the dictator he wants to be. 

Monday, July 08, 2024

The Truck Driver

A pleasant evening involved a drive to the top of the mountains on route 260. On the way up to the pleasant overlook the traffic jam going west was the worst imaginable. Traffic was backed up for ten miles all the way up the mountain. It must have been weekend traffic returning to Phoenix. 

Two tractor trailer trucks must have been alerted to the mess and pulled into the very nice overlook at the top of the mountain. Both the drivers were out taking some air. Talking to the first driver Kadizzle realized he had a heavy accent. Kadizzle gave him some advice about how he could park his truck at the casino in Payson for the night. He was going to follow that plan. 

The second driver was sitting at the picnic table perusing his computer. Kadizzle was soon engaged in a conversation that would last for an hour and a half. The 29 year old driver was from Moldavia and he too had an accent. Very strange that two drivers from other countries would be at the same place at the same time. Kadizzle and Moldavia covered the whole spectrum of life. The young man came to the United States with 500 dollars in his pocket at age 20. Now he owned five trucks and had his own trucking company. His girlfriend lived in Bismarck. We talked a lot about how lazy and hopeless young Americans are, how poorly other truck drivers handle their earnings, and about trucking in general. The conversation rambled all over the place, and even included how to select a wife. As the sun set we both headed down the hill to civilization. On the picnic bench two civilizations met. 

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Another Good Donut Day

They popped in the door a few at a time to fill the Donut hall down at Democratic Headquarters. Hope, hope, hope, the word came up many times. Another word that got shouted out by the local news reporter was cult, cult, cult. Yep we are up against a cult. Mindless idiots in love with a narcissist orange monkey. Most of us know what a skunk looks like. Trump cult people think it is a cat with white stripes. 

Biden needs to step aside. That was about what 2/3 of the Donuters thought. One third thought we should go with the old goat. 

The real joy to the heart were the new faces. New people have been showing up and that is great. Secondly the faces are getting younger, praise be unto Jeeeesus. 

Church lady was there and everyone was proud of her for calling in to the dastardly KMOG radio of the devil. Church lady chewed out the KMOG liars on July 4th. A big shout out to Church lady.  

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Donut Day

At ten will there be new faces? The Donut army has been thriving and there have been two successes, a few younger faces, and some new faces. General Donut has been saying it may be possible Liz Cheney might show up for one of our Donut sessions. The General has been in touch with the State party high ups. The state gang is impressed with the Donut format and hopefully it is spreading.

Kadizzle has invited a lot of hard core Republicans. Will they come? Things are chaotic with Biden. Kadizzle feels Biden needs to step aside as quickly as possible. The country is in extreme peril if the cult takes over. 

Friday, July 05, 2024

Enjoy comments

Kadizzle likes to get comments, even nasty ones. However, please put a name to it. Make up a name if you want. It is nice to know if one idiot, or different idiots are commenting. Don't take that wrong there are a lot of intelligent commenters. All are welcome, just use a name.  

The stupidity epidemic

 Covid was do da, compared to the plague of stupidity we are living with. Yesterday Kadizzle engaged two, and then three young people in a conversation about guns. Two simple minded dingers about 18 years old were marching around the 4th of July set up at Green Valley Park with a flag supporting the second amendment. As Kadizzle was blasting them about their gun nonsense a third dinger joined in. Dinger number three said he was a 22 year old Marine. The logic of the dingers and their understanding of gun statistics was mind boggling. Because of their age they could not yet carry a gun, however they assured Kadizzle that as soon as they were old enough they would have guns and " protect people".  They were going to shoot bad guys with guns to protect the good guys. The one young dinger was proud he dropped out of high school. The other dinger was full of religion. Kadizzle asked the religious dinger if Jesus would have carried a gun. Dinger said the disciples carried knives or swords. 

OK, different subject. Need a good laugh? Check out the video in the New York times today of some British reporter explaining the election in Britain.  For some strange reason the entire world is falling into the Trump type nonsense. The rich have scammed every country and disaster is on the horizon worldwide. It has come down to normal people and Trump cult style people. Logic and reason don't stand a chance against the cult. The cult is just like religion, it makes no sense, you just believe, because it is easy. 

Thursday, July 04, 2024

The 4th of Disaster

The country is on the verge of a dictatorship, the supreme court is toast, Trump may be the king seeking revenge can chaos. Are we really going to celebrate the upcoming disaster? Is the country occupied by enough idiots to bring it down? The dolts like dolts, clowns, and chaos, and are willing to fight for it. Trump stands for nothing but a mess. People know something is wrong. The dolts just cannot figure out the rich have stolen everything. The Hoopleheads are dazed by their stupidity. The Hooples feel something is wrong, but they don't have the brain horsepower to figure out what happened. The Republicans shoveled tax breaks to the wealth, now 400 families own half the country. Is this a problem? Hell yes.  Is Trump the solution? Hell no, but the Hooples are in a daze, and will vote to make things worse. 

Wednesday, July 03, 2024


General Donut indicated Liz Cheney may come to our Donut meeting. If this actually happens it will be very exciting. The General has been in touch with the top dogs in the Democratic party and it may happen. 

What a mess the Biden thing has become. OK, Kadizzle is going to write it. Biden needs to step aside. If he Democrats nominate a decent young person the Democrats will win. Otherwise it will be very scary. 

Never has he country been in more peril. The Supreme court may as well be eating out of Trump's dog bowl. 

Kadizzle attended a very strange meeting today. Negotiations have been going on between right and left at a local restaurant. Kadizzle sort of attended the meeting semi invited. Very strange meeting. Kadizzle was asked a couple questions. Apparently one woman didn't like the answer that was coming so she just started talking over Kadizzle. 

The idea was to find some common ground between Democrats and Republicans. Establishing reality was not in the cards. One man said we needed to abolish the current government and establish a new one. Why and how seemed out of his reach. We live in a new era where you just get to make things up. They are running the country? Who are they? Don't know, but it is obvious. This is the crazy language you get into. Once you jump into the world of paranoia all things come easy. Once an invisible force is running things, and you are sure of it, he rest is easy. 

Monday, July 01, 2024

What to Say

"Is there anything else I can do for you", the lady at the post office said, just like the lady on the phone, and the man at the grocery store. Yes, you can vote for anyone but Trump, and you can vote for Democrats. Keep in mind the person asked if there was anything they can do for you. Why not tell them hell yes.  

The implosion

The Biden deal has brought it to the forefront. Our lifestyle in about to implode. The possibility of an insane man named Trump being elected is real. What will that be like? Trump has no plan, just destroy, and revenge. Imagine a president like Trump incapable of selling Bibles. Make it worse, sure, Trump has a plan to put the worst people in place to do the worst things they can. How's that for a plan? People are wandering around in a daze. The Democrats don't have the courage to toss Biden in the car and take him to the retirement home. The planet is melting, so what? 

Comfortable people don't do much thinking. As the old saying goes " All they want is a warm place to shit, and a new pair of shoes".  Until people are cold and hungry they will just watch television and stare at their phone. Religion is a cult, and Trump is the Jesus of his cult. Cults toss logic and reality out the window. It works, just believe.