Monday, October 04, 2021

Six A.M.

Up very early, reading the NYT, and getting up to date. The world seems relatively calm. The democrats are self destructing. The two traitors, Joe Manchin, and whatshername from Arizona are fake democrats helping the Republicans commit their usual greedy evilness.  The sun is finding it more difficult every day to rise. This morning it is six A.M. and still dark. The temperatures are moderating. We checked out our home in Payson. The traffic there is insane for a small town. Weekends have hundreds of outdoors people moving through. Strangely once you get off the main streets it is peaceful. 

Building a home is a taxing series of tortures. Things move so slowly. Now we have a major problem, the water supply for the development has run into a pump problem. Of course this may cause more delays, and delays mean more interest payments. The cost overruns are scary. We sold all our furniture, so that will be another major expense. Hopefully we can die in style and broke. 

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