Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Morning in the Earth Module

We live in a tiny home. The distance from the bed to the coffee maker is about twenty feet. Kadizzle is up pecking on the tablet, but Winkie is still back in bed watching the moon set. It is about six A.M. , still dark. The routine is make the coffee sit down and get up to date while the sun struggles to rise. Do people really need huge homes? In this tiny little dwelling we have everything. Most important we walk out the hatch and there is the world. It is not a world of malls, and freeways, it is a world of mountains, coyotes, hummingbirds, and silence. Although the Earth Module is small the yard is hundred of square miles. Kadizzle likes living cheaply, and it does not get much cheaper than volunteering for the Forest Service. The goberment provides us with water, electricity, sewer, the  executive suite, parchment on rolls, and other necessities. For this they ask us to work 24 hours per week. It is like an adult CCC program. Why not put all the people sitting around with a cork up their exhaust to work. People could do a thousand simple jobs. Dave our closest neighbor is busted flat, but he gets up and makes wonderful signs form wood for the Forest Service. You know those trail signs, those nice signs you see in the National Parks, they don;t just grow there, Dave makes them.  Bill fixes the toilets, Tony trims the trees, and on it goes. No one gets paid, but the job gets done. Why not take the bums from the cities, bring them to the country, give  them a little shack and ask them to do what they can? 

The country is plagued with stupidity and greed. The greedy exploit the stupid, it is that simple. It works for the rich, but is very hard on the stupid and poor. 

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