Friday, October 15, 2021

Homeless Vagabonds

yUp to Payson today to check progress on our new house, or maybe more accurately to check on the lack of progress. The calendar says it is October 15. The house could or should have been done easily by the end of August, but there have been a thousand excuses, and delays. The children and grandchildren should be her for Thanksgiving. We will indeed be thankful if they have beds to sleep on, tables to eat on, heat, light, and water. The location of the new home is one of the reasons we jumped into the mess. The house will sit high with a good view of the mountains, but there is the danger other homes will be built nearby to diminish the view. Once thing we never thought about is the construction of other homes that will go on for years. Live and learn. Strange the only homes we have ever owned were built for us. We should have learned a lesson or two from the first go around with a contractor. 

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