Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Raining Mud

Strong winds are rare at our campsite, but last night the wind was blasting. The wind stirred up dust. Once the dust was in the air it rained. Waking this morning the car was coated with muddy rain drops, so was the  truck and camper. It appears the air is still full of dust. Another rain to clean the air would be nice. 

Last afternoon we had new friends at happy hour. Mary and Steve are ebike riders. The four of us took a tour up into the mountains where they had never been. The camp grounds have cleared out from the weekend. Consequently the internet service has improved. 

The tarantulas keep visiting. The large spiders are amazing. One has made home under our camper. They don't bother anyone, but are fun to watch. Kadizzle also enjoys watching the soaring birds in action every afternoon. The birds defy physics they way they fly. Somehow they go into the wind without flapping their wings. Also they seem capable of just hanging in the air. They must be experts on updrafts.  

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