Thursday, October 07, 2021

A dollars worth of Hope

 The damn credit card would not work. Kadizzle had spent most of the morning going around in circles with the credit card company. After about the third call to the credit card company Kadizzle needed to test the card to see if it worked. The lady in the grocery store said buy a lottery ticket for a dollar to see if the credit card works. Kadizzle bought the ticket and the card worked. Problem solved, but what about the next problem. What would we do with the six million dollars when we won? It would involve bankers, investment peoeple, and so much more. Then there would be struggles over who should get help with the money. It seemed like a big task. Getting rich could be a lot of work. So Wednesday came, and we lost, we did not win one cent. Whew, that saved us so much work. So what are you buying when you buy into the lottery? You get to have a fantasy for a few hours or days, then back to reality short of the money you pissed away on the lottery. Now, if the simple minded would invest in damn near anything with the money they spend on the lottery, they would be far better off.  What is hope worth, and how much should you buy. This, Honest Omar brings us to religion. With religion you spend a fortune for hope. You pay dearly to have ever lasting life. Again if you invested the money you were giving to the church you could have every lasting television, or wine. Hope is a strange commodity. Yesterday Kadizzle waded into the lake to cool off. Two fishermen came. They had hope. It gave them pleasure.  You can have hope for very little if you just try. 

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