Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Gravity attacks

Gravity is a constant danger.  Remember it is gravity that brings you to the ground with a thud.  Also it is gravity that racks up those numbers on the bathroom scale.  Good cooks are part of gravities gang.  Yesterday Honest Omar and Mrs Honest prepared a great meal for the Kadizzles.  So today Kadizzle must fight back against gravity and resist the sideways pull of gravity.  Most people think gravity only pull one toward the center of the Earth.  There are other forms of gravity that pull people towards refrigerators, comfortable chairs, and even beds.

Kadizzle took a test in the New York Times today about climate change and did not do that well on ranking the biggest problems.  Try taking the test.  Our planet is in big trouble.  Humans are trying to cure a planet of fire with thoughts and prayers.  Just like the gun battle, thoughts and prayers will not save the planet.  As if that were not bad enough we have a president who is doing the work of Satan, the Russians, and doing his best to destroy any reasonable approach to the climate problem.  The mother of all rats, The Donald skipped the G7 meeting on climate.  Trump golfs while the Amazon burns, and the oceans rise. 

We might squeak out the door before the planet is toast, but not our children.  Republicans don't care about the next generation.  Money, money, money is all Republicans care about.  Try breathing money, try eating money, try patching your cancer with money. 

Look at the people with money who are in prison, abusing little children, and doing what Republicans do.  How much do the rich need before they will allow the rest of the human beings to live a decent life?

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