Thursday, August 15, 2019

How's that slavery workin for you?

If only everyone would read the New York Times.  Today there is an article that explains how American capitalism is based on the plantation model.  Slavery never went away, it just morphed into wage slavery.  It is the same game.  A few people take all the goodies, and everyone else works until they die.  Quality of life means nothing in this country.  Read how closely slave owners monitored production, then look at how UPS monitors it's slaves.

Your typical redneck has no conception of how the economy works.  All the productivity gains since 1978 have gone to the top one percent.  Who cares?  As long as you have a good fairly new pickup truck, a nice fishing boat, some gas, and a six pack the world just does not get any better, until you try to retire, or you get hurt.  The roads fall apart, teachers starve, and cancer kills us, but the truck runs great.

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