Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Kadizzle wins 10 million

Last month Kadizzle won 4 million dollars while he was at the top of the ladder painting the house.  It was a real nuisance.  Yesterday Kadizzle won the Publisher Clearing House 10 million dollar prize.  Again it was a nuisance.  Kadizzle just doesn't need anymore millions.  Only Republicans need more, more, more.  Well, John Tyler the representative from Publisher Clearing house explained to Kadizzle how he would collect his ten million.  First John told Kadizzle to write down the secret number, and his badge number.  John wanted to know if Kadizzle was home.  John even asked Kadizzle his age and former occupation. Kadizzle told John he formerly worked for the FBI.   John wanted to know what color Mercedes Kadizzle wanted and what interior.  Kadizzle chose leather, and a black paint.  Of course Kadizzle had to pay some cost to cover the taxes for the IRS.  John asked Kadizzle how far the bank was from his house.  Kadizzle told him it was less than a mile.  John wanted to know if Kadizzle was dressed to go to the bank.  Kadizzle already told John he had a credit card and a debit card.

The day was sunny and after all John had interrupted Kadizzle on a nice ebike ride around Harmony Lake. It was time to tell poor old John his whole thing was a scam.  Kadizzle told John he was an FBI agent and electronically tracking him.  John said " fuck you".  This did not seem like a nice thing for a Publisher Clearing House employee to say.  Kadizzle told John he had been on the line long enough to track him.  John told Kadizzle " You will never catch me" and then John started angrily saying to Kadizzle " Fuck your bum, fuck your bum".   Apparently John was British or Irish.  Forgot to say John used some sort of computer device to disguise his voice.  Well there goes another ten million that would have come in handy. 

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