Saturday, August 03, 2019

Range war may break out

Monday the City Commission will address a new ordinance that will have the deplorables enraged.  A local junk collector chose the name deplorables for their group, not Kadizzle, but it is fitting.  The deplorables feel it is their right to collect as much junk in their yards as they wish.  The deplorable on our street has three junked pickup trucks, four boats, a fifth wheel, a junked car and miscellaneous other crap.  Zoning laws mean nothing to the deplorables.   The father of one of the deplorables calls their junk inventory.  The deplorables are hoarders.   Their mental illness takes place in their yards.

For over five years Kadizzle has been at war with the deplorables.  The City Commission in Hazen is a gutless bunch that don't want to offend good old Joe the deplorable.  One deplorable has had an old school bus full of junk on the city boulevard for ten years. 

Monday there more than likely will be a room full of deplorables at city hall explaining how it is their right to own junked cars and keep them in their yard.  There must be an amendment in the constitution that protects the junk dealers, just like it does the gun dealers.

More than likely the City Commission will cave to the deplorables.   Every deplorable has a junker that " I am going to fix up".  It never gets fixed up, it is there when the deplorable dies.

Hazen has a process for violating zoning laws.  Old Joe the deplorable comes to the city commission.  Old Joe wants to violate an ordinance.  The city commissioners know everyone loves old Joe so they make an exception.  Next Good old Willy comes in and wants to violate.  Willy says " You let Joe do it, how about me".  OK and the next thing you know there is pandemonium.  Now you can drive around Hazen and see buildings that look like hell in the wrong place, junked cars, no sidewalks, and on it goes.  Well the range war starts Monday come on down.

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