Friday, August 30, 2019

We will never run out of room

Down through South Dakota, and Wyoming, and into Colorado we sailed in the Tundra.  There is an endless supply of empty land.  The old neighbor up the street once made this trip and came back. He declared we would never run out of space.  This is the same guy who said " Education just confuses people".   The Red Hats just don't get math, data, science, history, or reality.  The world is running out of everything including land that will support humans.  As the forest burn the simple minded have no idea that it is the forest that provide oxygen.  At one time there was no oxygen on the planet.  Oxygen was produced by plant life.  The plants take in CO2 and give off O2.  That is basic science.  When you produce CO2 faster than plants can take it out of the air you have a problem.  How could  you make this problem worse.  That is Trumps approach to everything. How can I make this worse?  You could deregulate methane which is 84 times worse than CO2 for heating the planet.  Yup, Trump wants to make it so we can put more methane into the air. 

The air conditioning is out of order so here we sit at Erin's house, but it is not a serious problem.  Sylvie is growing so fast.  She is just about as tall  as her  mom and her grandma.  That teenage nuclear bomb is approaching quickly. Sylvie is in the fifth grade.  As an only child she is living a good life.  Very little she wants or needs does not come to fruition.  All things considered she is surviving well.  Sylvie got another part in a play. They want to give all the kids a chance, so they did not give Sylvie the lead part. Of course we all know she is the best, but the other kids must be encouraged.  After all we are not Republicans where the winner takes all and the peasants starve.

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