Monday, August 19, 2019

Religion is a business

Churches are nothing but a mildly disguised business.  The church is similar to a casino.  You put money in and get nothing back but hope. Both churches and casinos prey on delusional people.  Yes you can get to heaven with the right amount of money in the plate, or in the slot machine.  Look at churches and what they do with the money.  In Phoenix you see where the Mormons spent millions upon millions on buildings, same is true with the casinos.  When you want to impress the people you are about to rob always do it in a giant building with all the trimmings. 

An old friend of Kadizzle's went into the insane cathedral in Richardton, North Dakota.  Ray, who called himself and orthodox atheist said " I'll bet a lot of farmers went broke building this place".

This all brings us to the time when Kadizzle asked Pat Robertson to help a family in Pick City, North Dakota.  Kadizzle called up the 800 number and asked for help for a family in need.  The rotten bastards said they cannot just send money out on the word of Kadizzle.  Well they sure as hell don't check when the money comes in.  Pat's gang of thieves never checks to see if the people he is robbing can afford to be robbed, but Pat has to investigate before he helps a family.  In the end the poor guy Kadizzle was trying to help committed suicide and left a two year old baby.    That is American religion in action.  Pat Robertson has 600 million he bilked from old ladies.

Religion is a game where you can steal tax free.  Back in the home town of Wheeling, West Virginia the good old Bishop was stealing millions from the Catholic Church.  Bishop Bilkmore lived in a four million dollar home, had one hundred dollar flower arrangements sent every day, gave some gay priest tens of thousands, and lived well on the 250 million endowment an oil heir left the church.  Go to Las Vegas or Rome and you will see where the money of fools goes.

Now think about this, if you invested in the stock market instead of gods thieves on Earth how would it have turned out?  Every month if you invested what you put in the church what would you have?

More than likely you would have a considerable sum.  You could use this money to truly help people, not build megalithic churches.  What could be more wasteful than a huge building used once a week for a few hours.  Why not build a pyramid?

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